Jenkins/Job DSL, Pipelines, JaaC
Jenkins DSL
There are many ways of managing Jenkins jobs/pipelines/configuration as a code. Please take a look into the list below:
- JaaC Jankins As a Code plugin - provides configuration management
- Jenkins DSL Plugin - allow script any Jenkins jobs using Groovy language
- Jenkins Pipeline plugin (formerly know as Workflow plugin) - the concept of utilizing
- Jeknkin Build Pipelines
- Jenkins Pipelines Suite
- BlueOcean
Create Jenkins DSL jobs using the command-line
Use to locally build your Jenkins DSL jobs before pushing to SCM.
- Install in Windows
- Create C:\Gradle
- Download [1] archive and unzip to folder above
- Add C:\Gradle\gradle-4.7\bin to %Path% in system variables
setx path "%path%;C:\Gradle\gradle-4.7\bin"
- Verify gradle -v
$ gradle -v ------------------------------------------------------------ Gradle 4.7 ------------------------------------------------------------ Build time: 2018-04-18 09:09:12 UTC Revision: b9a962bf70638332300e7f810689cb2febbd4a6c Groovy: 2.4.12 Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.9.9 compiled on February 2 2017 JVM: 1.8.0_161 (Oracle Corporation 25.161-b12) OS: Windows 10 10.0 x86
- Install in Linux
Note Ubuntu 16.04 by default would install via apt-get version 2.10-1.
wget mkdir /opt/gradle && unzip -d /opt/gradle export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle/gradle-4.7/bin
Gradle wrapper
The recommended way to execute any Gradle build is with the help of the Gradle Wrapper. The Wrapper is a script that invokes a declared version of Gradle, downloading it beforehand if necessary. It's one time operation.
piotr@ubuntu ~ $ gradle wrapper Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster) BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 12s 1 actionable task: 1 executed
Test Jenkins DSL jobs
git clone . ├── src │ ├── jobs # DSL script files │ ├── main │ │ ├── groovy # support classes │ │ └── resources │ │ └── idea.gdsl # IDE support for IDEA │ ├── scripts # scripts to use with "readFileFromWorkspace" │ └── test │ └── groovy # specs └── build.gradle # build file ./gradlew test #uses Jenkins tests harness to test all .groove files in src/jobs/*
Create Jenkins DSL job from a command line
Rest APIs won't work with CSRF enabled, so to disable go to "Manage Jenkins" > "Configure Global Security" and select "Prevent Cross Site Request Forgery exploits.".
git clone ./gradlew rest -Dpattern=src/jobs/example1Jobs.groovy -DbaseUrl=http://our-jenkins/ -Dusername=foo -Dpassword=bar ./gradlew rest -Dpattern=<pattern> -DbaseUrl=<baseUrl> [-Dusername=<username>] [-Dpassword=<password>] # pattern - ant-style path pattern of files to include. E.g. src/jobs/*.groovy # baseUrl - base URL of Jenkins server # username - Jenkins username, if secured # password - Jenkins password or token, if secured
- creating jobs from the command line at
- The Gradle Wrapper
- Jenkins DSL Examples Official sheehan gitrepo, includes tests
- jenkins-test-harness Official jenkinsci gitrepo
- job-dsl-sample Git repo Jenkins Job DSL setup with Gradle
These examples have been put when Job DSL Plugin was at 1.68, 1.69 release version.
Jenkinsfile - Groovy
Groovy in the Jenkins jobs
String interpolation
Jenkins Pipeline uses rules identical to Groovy for string interpolation. Groovy’s String interpolation support can be confusing to many newcomers to the language. While Groovy supports declaring a string with either single quotes, or double quotes. Only the latter string will support the dollar-sign $
based string interpolation, for example:
def singlyQuoted = 'Hello' def doublyQuoted = "World" pipeline {... steps { echo 'Test ${singlyQuoted}' // -> Test ${singlyQuoted} echo "Test ${doublyQuoted}" // -> Test World }
Bring Groovy variable into shell script
pipeline {... stage("build"){ def hosts = ["node-1","node-2"] sh '''#!/bin/bash # bring Groovy var into shell HOST=''' + hosts[0] + ''' printf $HOST # -> node-1 '''
Example - explained line by line
job("Demo build job") { scm { git { remote { url '' } branch 'master' shallowClone true } } steps { maven('compile') } } |
Example - many jobs using a loop
Paste the snippet below into Build step > Process Job DSL > Use the provided DSL script
100.times { job ('example' + it) {} }
Remember to set also:
- Action for removed jobs: Delete
- Action for removed views: Delete
So, renamed jobs, deleted jobs will get removed from the jobs list.
job('DSL-Tutorial-1-Test') { scm { git('git://') } triggers { scm('H/15 * * * *') } steps { maven('-e clean test') } } def project = 'quidryan/aws-sdk-test' def branchApi = new URL("${project}/branches") def branches = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(branchApi.newReader()) branches.each { def branchName = def jobName = "${project}-${branchName}".replaceAll('/','-') job(jobName) { scm { git("git://${project}.git", branchName) } steps { maven("test${project}/${branchName}") } } } job('parameterized-hello-world') { parameters { stringParam('MESSAGE', 'Hello world!') } properties { rebuild { autoRebuild() } } steps { shell('echo $MESSAGE') } }
dsl - shell in line
hudson.FilePath workspace = hudson.model.Executor.currentExecutor().getCurrentWorkspace() String scriptSH1 = workspace.list("")[0].read().getText() job("DSL_Inline_Certs_expiry_test_shell_inline") { description("Creates Certs_expiry_test job" authorization { blocksInheritance(true) permission('hudson.model.Item.Read:anonymous') permission('hudson.model.Item.Discover:anonymous') permissionAll('authenticated') } logRotator { daysToKeep(-1) numToKeep(10) artifactDaysToKeep(-1) artifactNumToKeep(-1) } wrappers { colorizeOutput() maskPasswords() preBuildCleanup() timestamps() buildNameSetter { template('#${BUILD_NUMBER} ${CHANNEL} ${ENV}') runAtStart(true) runAtEnd(false) } } publishers { wsCleanup { deleteDirectories(true) setFailBuild(false) cleanWhenSuccess(true) cleanWhenUnstable(false) cleanWhenFailure(false) cleanWhenNotBuilt(true) cleanWhenAborted(true) } } multiscm { git { remote { url("") credentials("123abc12-1234-1234-1234-abc123abc123") branches('*/master') } extensions { relativeTargetDirectory("secrets-non-prod") } } git { remote { url("") credentials("123abc12-1234-1234-1234-abc123abc123") branches('*/master') } extensions { relativeTargetDirectory("secrets-prod") } } } steps { shell { // command(scriptSH1) command('''#!/bin/bash red_bold="\e[1;31m" green="\e[32m" green_bold="\e[1;32m" yellow_bold="\e[1;93m" blue_bold="\e[1;34m" reset="\e[0m" datediff() { d1=$(date -d "$1" +%s) d2=$(date -d "$2" +%s) echo $(( (d1 - d2) / 86400 )) } set -f paths=('secrets-non-prod/ssl/*crt' 'secrets-prod/ssl/*crt') today=$(date +"%Y%m%d") today30=$(date -d "+30 days" +"%Y%m%d") for path in ${paths[@]}; do set +f #enable fileglobbing echo "" echo -e "${blue_bold} Certificates in ${path} ${reset}" for i in $(ls -1 $path); do enddate=$(date --date="$(openssl x509 -in $i -noout -enddate | cut -d= -f 2)" --iso-8601) enddate_d=$(date -d $enddate +"%Y%m%d") if [ $today -lt $enddate_d ] && [ $today30 -gt $enddate_d ]; then colour="${yellow_bold} WARN" elif [ $today30 -lt $enddate_d ]; then colour="${green_bold} PASS" else colour="${red_bold} ERRO" fi echo -e "${colour} ${enddate} $(basename $i) DaysToExpire: $(datediff $enddate_d $today) ${reset}" done | sort -k3r | column -t set -f done''') } } }
Example multiline shell script takes interpreter from first non-blank line. A workaround of putting .trim() at the end of the triple-double quote does work.
sh """ #!/bin/bash -xel set -o pipefail # do stuff """.stripIndent().trim() // .trim() is actually enough but removing indents improves readability
Example - groovy variable substitution and for.each
def owner = 'integrations' def project = 'jenkins-dsl' def branchApi = new URL("${owner}/${project}/branches") def branches = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(branchApi.newReader()) branches.each { def branchName = def jobName = "${owner}-${project}-${branchName}".replaceAll('/','-') job(jobName) { scm { git { remote { github("${owner}/${project}") } branch("${branchName}") createTag(false) } } triggers { scm('*/15 * * * *') } steps { shell('ls -l') } } }
Conditional step
steps { shell { command(shSupportScript } singleConditionalBuilder { condition { booleanCondition { token('${SAVE_TO_S3}') } runner { dontRun() } buildStep { shell { command(s3sync) } } } } }
Variables in Groovy
// create a string variable def jobName = "Example_job_name" // reference the var in 2 ways job( "perf_" + jobName ) job("perf_${jobName}") { ... }
Example: Create a custom view using configure block
def viewConfig = [ ['viewName':'All', 'viewRegex': /(.*)/ ], ['viewName':'SystemA', 'viewRegex': /(.*SystemA.*)/ ], ['viewName':'PerfTest', 'viewRegex': /(perf_.*)/ ], ['viewName':'SysAdmin', 'viewRegex': /(.*SysAdmin.*|AWS_.*|DSL_.*)/ ] ] viewConfig.each { def viewName = it.viewName def viewRegex = it.viewRegex def columnJobDescription = { { node -> node / "columns" << "jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.DescriptionColumn" { trim true columnWidth 20 displayLength 1 forceWidth false displayName false } } } listView(viewName) { jobs { regex(viewRegex) } columns { status() weather() lastBuildConsole() buildButton() jobNameColorColumn { colorblindHint('nohint') showColor(true) showDescription(true) showLastBuild(true) } progressBar() allStatusesColumn { colorblindHint('nohint') onlyShowLastStatus(false) timeAgoTypeString('DIFF') hideDays(1) } lastDuration() if (viewName == "PerfTest") { configure columnJobDescription() } } } }
Note of use of configure block, is to produce XML <jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.DescriptionColumn> ... </jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.DescriptionColumn>
as native DSL does not support fully. The only thing cannot be controlled is the order of child element (here first, not always what we want). This is due to node / "columns"
will find the columns
node, creating it if it doesn't exist. If attributes are specified, it will find the first child which carries those attributes. It has a very low precedence in the order of operation, so you need to wrap parenthesis around some operations.
Below you can see XML for PerfTest view
<hudson.model.ListView> <link type="text/css" id="dark-mode" rel="stylesheet" /> <style type="text/css" id="dark-mode-custom-style" /> <name>PerfTest</name> <filterExecutors>false</filterExecutors> <filterQueue>false</filterQueue> <properties class="hudson.model.View$PropertyList" /> <jobNames> <comparator class="hudson.util.CaseInsensitiveComparator" /> </jobNames> <jobFilters /> <columns> <jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.DescriptionColumn plugin="extra-columns@1.18"> <displayName>false</displayName> <trim>true</trim> <displayLength>1</displayLength> <columnWidth>20</columnWidth> <forceWidth>false</forceWidth> </jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.DescriptionColumn> <hudson.views.StatusColumn /> <hudson.views.WeatherColumn /> <jenkins.plugins.extracolumns.LastBuildConsoleColumn plugin="extra-columns@1.18" /> <hudson.views.BuildButtonColumn /> <com.robestone.hudson.compactcolumns.JobNameColorColumn plugin="compact-columns@1.10"> <colorblindHint>nohint</colorblindHint> <showColor>true</showColor> <showDescription>true</showDescription> <showLastBuild>true</showLastBuild> </com.robestone.hudson.compactcolumns.JobNameColorColumn> < plugin="progress-bar-column-plugin@1.0" /> <com.robestone.hudson.compactcolumns.AllStatusesColumn plugin="compact-columns@1.10"> <colorblindHint>nohint</colorblindHint> <timeAgoTypeString>DIFF</timeAgoTypeString> <onlyShowLastStatus>false</onlyShowLastStatus> <hideDays>1</hideDays> </com.robestone.hudson.compactcolumns.AllStatusesColumn> <hudson.views.LastDurationColumn /> </columns> <includeRegex>(perf_.*)</includeRegex> <recurse>false</recurse> </hudson.model.ListView>
- The-Configure-Block
- Jenkins Job DSL - Configure Block Blog 2015
Example: Build Pipeline job
Jenkins DSL can build Jenkins Pipeline jobs as well.
pipelineJob("DSL_Pipeline_calls_other_pipeline") { def repo = '' //set variables def repoSsh = '' description("Your App Pipeline") properties { githubProjectUrl (repo) rebuild { autoRebuild(false) } } logRotator { numToKeep 30 } definition { cps { sandbox() script(""" node { stage 'Build' echo 'Compiling code...' stage "Test" build 'pipeline-or-free-style-being-called' //any Project can be called stage 'Deploy' echo "Deploying..." } """.stripIndent()) } } }
Job running JMeter performance test publishing/consuming JMS messages
... wip ...
This will build a job that runs JMeter test publishing and consuming messages directly to Wso2 Message Broker.
- build parameterized Jenkins DSL job (optional: from Git repo)
- messages sent
- messages consumed
- pull mb docker container
- [done]pull JMeter
- run sample test against the docker container
- pull jmeter test
- prep connection factory
- [done]publish results to s3
Script to pull Jmeter
#!/bin/bash -e if [ ${JMETER_INIT} == 'true' ]; then if [ ! -f jmeter/bin/jmeter ]; then wget unzip ln -s apache-jmeter-4.0 jmeter fi JMETER_LIBS_EXT="" wget -r -l1 -np -nH -R "index.html*" ${JMETER_LIBS_EXT} -A "*.jar" --cut-dirs=3 mv client-libs/*.jar jmeter/lib/ext/ fi if [ -f aggResults.jtl ]; then rm aggResults.jtl fi mkdir -p reports/${BUILD_ID} jmeter/bin/jmeter \ -Juser.jndipath=/tank/jenkins/workspace/perf_mb-direct/performance/ \ -Juser.producerLoops=${Juser_producerLoops} \ -Juser.senderLoops=${Juser_producerLoops} \ -n -t performance/aggResults.jmx \ -l aggResults.jtl \ -e -o reports/${BUILD_ID} aws s3 sync reports/${BUILD_ID} s3://bucket-name-public/reports/${BUILD_ID} --quiet echo "Report for build ${BUILD_ID}:${BUILD_ID}/index.html" echo "Aggregated results:"
- Apache JMeter internal link reference
- wso2-mb Github docker file
- wso2-mb Github docker file; simpler
- DSL Plugin Deprecations Github jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin
- Jenkins + Groovy with the Job DSL Plugin Youtube official plugin video
Jenkins Pipeline
Jenkins pipeline plugin suite
Generic structure
pipeline { //The main Pipeline directive agent any //global agent (minion/slave) directive environment { //the environment directive, sets environment variables in global scope ENV_VAR = "value" } parameters { //the Parameters directive, currently only allows for string and boolean parameters string( name: 'PERSON', defaultValue: 'Mr Awesome', description: 'Who is the best?') booleanParam(name: 'IS_JENKINS_AWESOME', defaultValue: true, description: "Jenkins Awesome?" ) } triggers { //the Triggers directive cron('H * 0 0 1-5') } stages { //the Stages directive, this'd be analogous to a "Build Step" in the classic Project Configuration view stage('Build') { //the Stage directive, name of the stage steps { //it's many steps, often associated with plugins echo 'Building...' //prints a string } } stage('Test') { //the Stage directive steps { echo 'Testing...' sh 'printenv' sh 'ant -f test.xml -v' junit "reports/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}_result.xml" } } stage('Deploy') { //the Stage directive steps { echo 'Deploying...' } } } post { //the Post directive, contains "Post-build" steps success { emailext( subject: "${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}] Ran!", body: """ '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' Ran!": Check console output at ${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]/a> """, to: "" ) } } }
Agent directive
pipeline { agent any //declared globally ... agent none ... agent { label 'minion-1' //can be declared within a single stage } ... agent { docker 'openjdk:8u121-jre' }
Using Docker with Pipeline
// Jenkinsfile (Declarative Pipeline) pipeline { agent { docker { image 'node:7-alpine' } } stages { stage('Test') { steps { sh 'node --version' } } } }
Customize Checkout for Pipeline
- Jenkins file Linux Academy example
systemProp.http.proxyHost= systemProp.http.proxyPort=3128 systemProp.http.nonProxyHosts=*|localhost||*.localdomain.local||||*.local||||** systemProp.https.proxyHost= systemProp.https.proxyPort=3128 systemProp.https.nonProxyHosts=*|localhost||*.localdomain.local||||*.local||||** org.gradle.daemon=true
<proxy> <id>optional</id> <active>true</active> <protocol>http</protocol> <!-- <username>proxyuser</username> <password>proxypass</password> --> <host>localhost</host> <port>3128</port> <nonProxyHosts>|</nonProxyHosts> </proxy>