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It's a tool for Managing Secrets. With following features:

  • secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys and more... Access control policies provide strict control over who can access what secrets.
  • Vault handles leasing, key revocation, key rolling, key versioning and auditing
  • Through a unified API, users can access an encrypted Key/Value store and network encryption-as-a-service
  • generate AWS IAM/STS credentials, SQL/NoSQL databases, X.509 certificates, SSH credentials and more...


curl -fsSL https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main"
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vault

# Install a specific version
apt-cache madison vault
sudo apt-get install vault=1.3.2



While initializing, you can configure the seal behavior of Vault. Here, with 1 unseal key for simplicity. Vault prints out several keys here. Don't clear your terminal.

$ vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1
Unseal Key 1: UipPveVsmScOb/s/lk9C7OBZTspGC7SHGptDwDxbjbs= 

Initial Root Token: d227493b-63ee-c807-9cda-a8cfcaaef98b 

Vault initialized with 1 key shares and a key threshold of 1. Please securely distribute the key shares printed above. 
When the Vault is re-sealed, restarted, or stopped, you must supply at least 1 of these keys to unseal it before it can start 
servicing requests. 

Vault does not store the generated master key. Without at least 1 key to reconstruct the master key, Vault will remain permanently

It is possible to generate new unseal keys, provided you have a quorum of existing unseal keys shares. See "vault rekey" 
for more information.

$ vault status | grep Sealed
Sealed true

Unseal and login/connect

$ vault operator unseal <key 1> #the 'Unseal Key 1' UipPveVsmScOb/s/lk9C7OBZTspGC7SHGptDwDxbjbs= is created during init process
# vault unseal --address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR "$VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY" #deprecated command and removed in 0.12
$ vault status | grep Sealed
Sealed false

# Connect your client before performing any operations using a token
$ vault login <root token> #token is 'Initial Root Token: d227493b-63ee-c807-9cda-a8cfcaaef98b'

List available secret engines

$ vault secrets list

Read and write secrets

$ vault kv put secret/apikey key="password1234"
$ vault kv get secret/apikey

Update the secret data

$ vault kv put secret/apikey key="password8888" owner="dev" #multi-key entry, it will delete any previous key/values
$ vault kv put secret/apikey owner="ops" #update key named 'owner'
$ vault kv get secret/apikey #show keys values

Update the data without overwriting

$ vault kv patch secret/apikey year="2018" #will add key/value to the data

Work with different data versions

$ vault kv metadata get secret/apikey         #retrieves the key metadata
$ vault kv get      -version=1 secret/apikey  #retrieves version 1 of the data
$ vault kv delete   -versions=1 secret/apikey #delete the data, when retrieved again only metadata will get displayed
$ vault kv undelete -versions=1 secret/apikey #recover deleted data
$ vault kv destroy  -versions=1 secret/apikey #permanently delete data
$ vault kv metadata delete secret/apikey      #deletes all versions and metadata
$ vault kv list secret/                       #verify whether a key exists eg. after deletion
No value found at secret/metadata

Seal vault

There is also an API to seal the Vault. This will throw away the encryption key and require another unseal process to restore it. Sealing only requires a single operator with root privileges. This is typically part of a rare "break glass procedure". This way, if there is a detected intrusion, the Vault data can be locked quickly to try to minimize damages. It can't be accessed again without access to the master key shards.

$ vault operator seal

Practical use

Environmental variables

Create environmental variables


List, read and write with help of jq

List branches and leafs (here users), where secret is always at root of the tree
$ vault list -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR secret/users
Read values
$ vault read -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR secret/users/bob_user
Key                     Value
---                     -----
refresh_interval        360h0m0s
password                pass1234
user                    bob@example.com
Export data to a file
# export data (keys/values pairs) to a file
vault read -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR secret/users/bob_user -format=json | jq .data > bob_credentials.json 
cat bob_credentials.json
  "password": "pass1234",
  "user": "bob@example.com"

# or more systematically
KEY=secret/users/bob_user; vault read --address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR --format=json $KEY | jq .data > ${KEY////__}

$ ll secret__users__bob_user
-rw-rw-rw- 1 piotr piotr 58 Mar 14 07:43 secret__users__bob_user

# underscore here us a unique character(token) that should not match any part of branch/key, will be used to recreate the key
# Explain 4x'////'
# // -: all occurrences, part of bash parameter expansion option 
# /  -: delimiter
# /  -: string to search, followed by delimiter '/' again
Write data these could be any secrets or configuration into Vault
vault write -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR secret/users/bob_user @bob_credentials.json

# or more systematically
FILE=secret__users__bob_user; vault write -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR ${FILE//__//} @${FILE}

Read and write at mass

## Read-out script
declare -a keys
for key in ${keys[@]}; do
  vault write --format=json --address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR $key @"$idx.json"
  (( idx++ ))

## Write-in script
declare -a keys
for key in ${keys[@]}; do
vault write --format=json --address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR $key @"$idx.json"
(( idx++ ))

Helper functions

echo ${a//__//}
# /  :- substitutes 1st match
# // :- substitutes all matches
