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It's a tool for Managing Secrets. With following features:
- secures, stores, and tightly controls access to tokens, passwords, certificates, API keys and more... Access control policies provide strict control over who can access what secrets.
- Vault handles leasing, key revocation, key rolling, key versioning and auditing
- Through a unified API, users can access an encrypted Key/Value store and network encryption-as-a-service
- generate AWS IAM/STS credentials, SQL/NoSQL databases, X.509 certificates, SSH credentials and more...
curl -fsSL https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main" sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install vault # Install a specific version apt-cache madison vault sudo apt-get install vault=1.3.2
While initializing, you can configure the seal behavior of Vault. Here, with 1 unseal key for simplicity. Vault prints out several keys here. Don't clear your terminal.
$ vault operator init -key-shares=1 -key-threshold=1 Unseal Key 1: UipPveVsmScOb/s/lk9C7OBZTspGC7SHGptDwDxbjbs= Initial Root Token: d227493b-63ee-c807-9cda-a8cfcaaef98b Vault initialized with 1 key shares and a key threshold of 1. Please securely distribute the key shares printed above. When the Vault is re-sealed, restarted, or stopped, you must supply at least 1 of these keys to unseal it before it can start servicing requests. Vault does not store the generated master key. Without at least 1 key to reconstruct the master key, Vault will remain permanently sealed! It is possible to generate new unseal keys, provided you have a quorum of existing unseal keys shares. See "vault rekey" for more information. $ vault status | grep Sealed Sealed true
Unseal and login/connect
$ vault operator unseal <key 1> #the 'Unseal Key 1' UipPveVsmScOb/s/lk9C7OBZTspGC7SHGptDwDxbjbs= is created during init process # vault unseal --address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR "$VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY" #deprecated command and removed in 0.12 $ vault status | grep Sealed Sealed false # Connect your client before performing any operations using a token $ vault login <root token> #token is 'Initial Root Token: d227493b-63ee-c807-9cda-a8cfcaaef98b'
List available secret engines
$ vault secrets list
Read and write secrets
$ vault kv put secret/apikey key="password1234" $ vault kv get secret/apikey
Update the secret data
$ vault kv put secret/apikey key="password8888" owner="dev" #multi-key entry, it will delete any previous key/values $ vault kv put secret/apikey owner="ops" #update key named 'owner' $ vault kv get secret/apikey #show keys values
Update the data without overwriting
$ vault kv patch secret/apikey year="2018" #will add key/value to the data
Work with different data versions
$ vault kv metadata get secret/apikey #retrieves the key metadata $ vault kv get -version=1 secret/apikey #retrieves version 1 of the data $ vault kv delete -versions=1 secret/apikey #delete the data, when retrieved again only metadata will get displayed $ vault kv undelete -versions=1 secret/apikey #recover deleted data $ vault kv destroy -versions=1 secret/apikey #permanently delete data $ vault kv metadata delete secret/apikey #deletes all versions and metadata $ vault kv list secret/ #verify whether a key exists eg. after deletion No value found at secret/metadata
Seal vault
There is also an API to seal the Vault. This will throw away the encryption key and require another unseal process to restore it. Sealing only requires a single operator with root privileges. This is typically part of a rare "break glass procedure". This way, if there is a detected intrusion, the Vault data can be locked quickly to try to minimize damages. It can't be accessed again without access to the master key shards.
$ vault operator seal
Practical use
Environmental variables
Create environmental variables
VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY=123....789 VAULT_CLIENT_XXX_TOKEN=12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-123456789abc VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR=
List, read and write with help of jq
- List branches and leafs (here users), where
is always at root of the tree
$ vault list -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR secret/users Keys bob john
- Read values
$ vault read -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR secret/users/bob_user Key Value --- ----- refresh_interval 360h0m0s password pass1234 user bob@example.com
- Export data to a file
# export data (keys/values pairs) to a file vault read -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR secret/users/bob_user -format=json | jq .data > bob_credentials.json cat bob_credentials.json { "password": "pass1234", "user": "bob@example.com" } # or more systematically KEY=secret/users/bob_user; vault read --address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR --format=json $KEY | jq .data > ${KEY////__} $ ll secret__users__bob_user -rw-rw-rw- 1 piotr piotr 58 Mar 14 07:43 secret__users__bob_user # underscore here us a unique character(token) that should not match any part of branch/key, will be used to recreate the key # Explain 4x'////' # // -: all occurrences, part of bash parameter expansion option # / -: delimiter # / -: string to search, followed by delimiter '/' again
- Write data these could be any secrets or configuration into Vault
vault write -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR secret/users/bob_user @bob_credentials.json # or more systematically FILE=secret__users__bob_user; vault write -address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR ${FILE//__//} @${FILE}
Read and write at mass
## Read-out script #!/bin/bash declare -a keys keys=( secret/dev/db/conStr/database secret/dev/db/conStr/database/test secret/dev/redis/credentials ) idx=1 for key in ${keys[@]}; do vault write --format=json --address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR $key @"$idx.json" (( idx++ )) done ## Write-in script #!/bin/bash declare -a keys keys=( secret/dev/db/conStr/database secret/dev/db/conStr/database/test secret/dev/redis/credentials ) idx=1 for key in ${keys[@]}; do vault write --format=json --address=$VAULT_CLIENT_ADDR $key @"$idx.json" (( idx++ ))
Helper functions
a=secret_loc-a_branch1_branch2_key1 echo ${a//__//} secret/loc-a/branch1/branch2/key1 # / :- substitutes 1st match # // :- substitutes all matches
- vaultproject Official HashiCorp