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= Cluster bootstrap =
= Cluster bootstrap =
* [https://fluxcd.io/docs/installation/#generic-git-server Generic Git Server]
* [https://fluxcd.io/docs/installation/#bootstrap-with-terraform Bootstrap with Terraform]
* [https://fluxcd.io/docs/installation/#bootstrap-with-terraform Bootstrap with Terraform]
<source lang=bash>
<source lang=bash>

Revision as of 22:09, 16 January 2022

Flux v2

Flux v2 architecture


Flux v2 - Webhooks and notifications



Install Flux v2 flux command line

Note: fluxctl is a previous version Flux v1 command line tool.

curl -s https://fluxcd.io/install.sh | sudo bash

# enable completions in ~/.bash_profile
. <(flux completion bash)

# TODO: Via release binaries
# https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/releases

# Pre check
flux check --pre
► checking prerequisites
✗ flux 0.25.1 <0.25.2 (new version is available, please upgrade)
✔ Kubernetes 1.21.5-gke.1302 >=1.19.0-0
✔ prerequisites checks passed

# Docker images
docker pull fluxcd/fluxctl:1.24.3
docker pull ghcr.io/fluxcd/flux-cli:1.24.3 # does not work

Cluster bootstrap

flux bootstrap git \
  --author-email=$FLUX_GIT_EMAIL \
  --url=ssh://git@github.com/$FLUX_GIT_USERNAME/gitops-istio \
  --branch=main \

At bootstrap, Flux generates an SSH key and prints the public key. In order to sync your cluster state with git you need to copy the public key and create a deploy key with write access on your GitHub repository. On GitHub go to Settings > Deploy keys click on Add deploy key, check Allow write access, paste the Flux public key and click Add key.

