Python3 - Virtual environments
- needs rewriting [ venv] Part of "Dead Simple Python" series.
A virtual environment, or virtualenv as it's sometimes called, is a sandbox where you can install only the Python packages you need.
python3 -V # -> eg. Python 3.6.8 # Install virtualenv python3 packages sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev sudo apt install virtualenv python3-virtualenv python3-pip sudo apt install python3-venv # Debian, Ubuntu systems, tested with U20.04 # Python3.3+ use native command to create virtual environments python3 -m venv venv # 1st venv is the command, 2nd "venv" is a project name # (Depricated) legacy method to create virtualenv virtualenv -p python3 venv # create virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv # create venv pointing to use specific executable, could be eg. py2.7 $ source ./venv/bin/activate # activate (venv) ubuntu@u18gui-1:~/py$ # <- prompt updated with env name $ deactivate # deactivate vagrant@ubuntu-bionic ~ $ # <- prompt cleaned # Running venv without activating, work the same as if you had activated the virtual environment venv/bin/python venv/bin/pip install pylint
Note: Within the virtual environment, you can use the command python instead of python3, and pip instead of pip3 if you would prefer. If you use Python 3 on your machine outside of an environment, you will need to use the python3 and pip3 commands exclusively.
- Git
Within a virtual environment's directory are the actual packages you installed with pip, therefore working with any VCS (Version Control System) you should ignore whole venv/
directory by adding it to eg. .gitignore
pip - python package manager
Do not use pip
it self to upgrade pip as it will break your installation. Use OS package maanger instead. Using --user
option to install packages it's a good habit as well as it will use the user scheme to install the package.
sudo apt-get install python-pip #pip for pyhton2, eg. check apt-cache show python-pip, python dependency version sudo apt-get install python3-pip #pip for python3 pip list #list packages, no need to use eg. pip3 within venv pip install PySide2 #insall a package pip install PySide2==5.11.1 #or ">=" at least this version, or greater pip install --upgrade PySide2 pip uninstall PySide2 pip install -r requirements.txt pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
Search on
pip search web scraping
haSH-BANG or #!
Rules for python vs python2 vs python3 are described in pep-0394
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # correct way #!/usr/bin/python # forces use a system-wide copy of Python, won't respect "venv"
Syntax, semantics and functions
Cheatsheet Python2 and Python3
Print in v3 is a function, it uses arguments with variables like below:
%s # String (or any object with a string representation, like numbers) %d # Integers %f # Floating point numbers %.<number-of-digits>f # Floating point numbers with a fixed amount of digits to the right of the dot. %x/%X # Integers in hex representation (lowercase/uppercase) # Example print("%s is %d years old." % (name, age))
Simple HTTP Server
It provides the local files browser over http protocol and access logs
sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 #python 2 sudo python3 -m http.server 80 #python 3
Web scraping
Install Selenium lib on Ubuntu
$ which python python3 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/python3 sudo apt-get install python3-pip # install pip for python3 sudo python3 -m pip install -U selenium # install selenium for python3 sudo python3 -m pip install -U pip # upgrade pip
Install geckodriver on Ubuntu
It's required if you use Selenium in Python, webdriver function:
default_browser = webdriver.Firefox()
- Firefox geckodriver (verified on Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 running on Vagrant)
wget sudo sh -c 'tar -x geckodriver -zf geckodriver-v0.26.0-linux64.tar.gz -O > /usr/bin/geckodriver' sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/geckodriver rm geckodriver-v0.26.0-linux64.tar.gz
- Chromedriver
wget unzip sudo chmod +x chromedriver sudo mv chromedriver /usr/bin/ rm
Selenium - Website automation test to mimic human interaction - page login
Script below demonstrate usage of Selenium automation through Mozilla Geckodriver. It will open Firefox, navigate to a give URL, fill in a form, click a login button and take a screenshot.
Credentials file
cat creds.yaml wpUser: user wpPass: pass123
Main script
#!/usr/bin/python3 from selenium import webdriver import yaml driver = webdriver.Firefox() creds = yaml.safe_load(open('creds.yaml','r')) driver.get('') user_field = driver.find_element_by_name("wpName") pass_field = driver.find_element_by_name("wpPassword") user_field.send_keys(creds['wpUser']) pass_field.send_keys(creds['wpPass']) # find login button and click on it driver.find_element_by_name('wploginattempt').click() driver.save_screenshot('screenshot.png') driver.close
Now you can preview the screenshot from the terminal window.
Selenium Webdriver running in a docker
Install Selenium and run from a terminal
sudo apt install firefox python3-pip xvfb x11-utils --yes sudo -H pip3 install bpython selenium # better option is to install in virtual environment export DISPLAY=:2 # fake X display Xvfb $DISPLAY -ac & # X virtual framebuffer export GECKO_DRIVER_VERSION='v0.26.0' wget$GECKO_DRIVER_VERSION/geckodriver-$GECKO_DRIVER_VERSION-linux64.tar.gz tar -xvzf geckodriver-$GECKO_DRIVER_VERSION-linux64.tar.gz rm geckodriver-$GECKO_DRIVER_VERSION-linux64.tar.gz chmod +x geckodriver sudo cp geckodriver /usr/local/bin/ cat <<EOF > #!/usr/bin/env python3 from selenium.webdriver import Firefox, FirefoxOptions, FirefoxProfile ff_options = FirefoxOptions() ff_options.headless = True ff = Firefox(options=ff_options) ff.quit() EOF chmod +x
Official Selenium docker images can get a lot of parameters:
- basic run uses Xvfb X virtual framebuffer and shared memory volume
-v /dev/shm:/dev/shm
- it's possible to run in complete headless mode without
- can be run as a server then Python code pointing to the remote server where webdriver runs on
Serverless - AWS Lambda
The Right Way™ to do Serverless in Python
- Completed
- A Beginner's Python Tutorial Wikibooks
- List of free Python learning resources
- VIM and Python - a Match Made in Heaven Vim as Python IDE
- Vundle Vim bundle/plugins manager