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Install kubectl

List of kubectl releases.

# List releases
curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases | jq -r '.[].tag_name' | sort -V
curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes/kubernetes/releases | jq -r '[.[] | select(.prerelease == false) | .tag_name] | map(sub("^v";"")) | map(split(".")) | group_by(.[0:2]) | map(max_by(.[2]|tonumber)) | map(join(".")) | map("v" + .) | sort | reverse | .[]'

# Latest
ARCH=amd64 # amd64|arm
VERSION=$(curl -s https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/stable.txt); echo $VERSION
curl -LO https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/$VERSION/bin/linux/$ARCH/kubectl

# Specific version
# Find specific Kubernetes release, then download kubectl
VERSION=v1.29.13; ARCH=amd64 # amd64|arm
curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/$VERSION/bin/linux/$ARCH/kubectl
sudo install ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

# Note: sudo install := chmod +x ./kubectl; sudo mv

# Verify, kubectl should not be more than -/+ 1 minor version difference then api-server
kubectl version 
Client Version: v1.29.13
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.29.12-gke.1120001

Google way

# Install kubectl if you don't already have a suitable version
# https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/release/version-skew-policy/#kubectl
kubectl version --client || gcloud components install kubectl
kubectl get clusterrolebinding $(gcloud config get-value core/account)-cluster-admin ||
  kubectl create clusterrolebinding $(gcloud config get-value core/account)-cluster-admin \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin \
  --user="$(gcloud config get-value core/account)"

kubectl plugin called gke-gcloud-auth-plugin

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates gnupg curl
curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/cloud.google.gpg] https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt cloud-sdk main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-cloud-sdk.list
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install google-cloud-cli # required to authenticate with GCP
sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
gcloud init

Autocompletion and kubeconfig

source <(kubectl completion bash); alias k=kubectl; complete -F __start_kubectl k

# Set default namespace
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=dev
kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=dev

vi ~/.kube/config
- context:
    cluster: kubernetes
    user: kubernetes-admin
    namespace: web       # default namespace
  name: dev-frontend

Add proxy-url using yq to kubeconfig

Minimum yq version required is v2.x, tested with yq 2.13.0. The example below does the file inline `-i` update.

yq -i -y --indentless '.clusters[0].cluster += {"proxy-url": "http://proxy.acme.com:8080"}' ~/.kube/$ENVIRONMENT

Get resources and cheatsheet

# Get a list of nodes
kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.name}"
ip-10-10-10-10.eu-west-1.compute.internal ip-10-10-10-20.eu-west-1.compute.internal

kubectl get nodes -oname

# Pods sorted by node name
kubectl get pods --sort-by=.spec.nodeName -owide -A

# Watch a namespace in a convinient resources order | sts=statefulset, rs=replicaset, ep=endpoint, cm=configmap
watch -d kubectl -n dev get sts,deploy,rc,rs,pods,svc,ep,ing,pvc,cm,sa,secret,es,cronjob,job -owide --show-labels 
   # note es - externalsecrets
watch -d 'kubectl get pv -owide --show-labels | grep -e <eg.NAMESPACE>'
watch -d helm list -A

# Test your context by creating configMap
kubectl create configmap my-config --from-literal=key1=config1 --from-literal=key2=config2
kubectl delete configmap my-config

# Watch multiple namespaces
eval 'kubectl --context='{context1,context2}' --namespace='{ns1,ns2}' get pod;'
eval kubectl\ --context={context1,context2}\ --namespace={ns1,ns2}\ get\ pod\;
watch -d eval 'kubectl -n '{default,ingress-nginx}' get sts,deploy,rc,rs,pods,svc,ep,ing,pvc,cm,sa,secret,es,cronjob,job -owide --show-labels;'

# Auth, can-i
kubectl auth can-i delete pods

Get yaml from existing object

kubectl create namespace kiali --dry-run=client -o yaml > ns.yaml
kubectl create namespace kiali --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

# Saves version revision in metadata.annotations.kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration={..manifest_json..} 
kubectl create ns foo --save-config

# Get a yaml without status information, almost clean manifest. Deprecated '--export' before <v17.x.
kubectl -n web get pod <podName> -oyaml --export

Generate pod manifest, the most clean way I know <syntaxhighlightjs lang=bash>

  1. kubectl -n foo run --image=ubuntu:20.04 ubuntu-1 --dry-run=client -oyaml -- bash -c sleep

apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:

 creationTimestamp: null  # <- can be deleted
   run: ubuntu-1
 name: ubuntu-1
 namespace: foo


 - args:
   - bash
   - -c
   - sleep
   image: ubuntu:20.04
   name: ubuntu-1
   resources: {}  # <- can be deleted
 dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
 restartPolicy: Always

status: {} # <- can be deleted </syntaxhighlightjs>

kubectl cp

Each container must be prefixed with a namespace, the copy-to-file(<filename>) must be in place. The recursive copy might be tricky.

kubectl cp [[namespace/]pod:]file/path ./<filename> -c <container_name>
kubectl cp vegeta/vegeta-5847d879d8-p9kqw:plot.html ./plot.html -c vegeta

One liners

Single purpose pods

Note: --generator=deployment/apps.v1 is DEPRECATED and will be removed, use --generator=run-pod/v1 or kubectl create instead.

# Exec to deployment, no need to specify unique pod name
kubectl exec -it deploy/sleep -- curl httpbin:8000/headers

NS=mynamespace; LABEL='app.kubernetes.io/name=myvalue'
kubectl exec -n $NS -it $(kubectl get pod -l "$LABEL" -n $NS -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -- bash

# Echo server
kubectl run --image=k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4 hello-1 --port=8080

# Single purpose pods
kubectl run    --image=bitnami/kubectl:1.21.8 kubectl-1    --rm -it -- get pods
kubectl run    --image=appropriate/curl       curl-1       --rm -it -- sh
kubectl run    --image=ubuntu:18.04     ubuntu-1  --rm -it -- bash
kubectl create --image=ubuntu:20.04     ubuntu-2  --rm -it -- bash
kubectl run    --image=busybox:1.31.0   busybox-1 --rm -it -- sh          # exec and delete when completed
kubectl run    --image=busybox:1.31.0   busybox-2          -- sleep 7200  # sleep, so you can exec
kubectl run    --image=alpine           alpine-1  --rm -it -- ping -c 1
 docker run    --rm -it --name alpine-1 alpine                ping -c 1

# Network-multitool | https://github.com/wbitt/Network-MultiTool | Runs as a webserver, so won't complete.
kubectl run    --image=wbitt/network-multitool multitool-1
kubectl create --image=wbitt/network-multitool deployment multitool
kubectl exec -it multitool-1          -- /bin/bash
kubectl exec -it deployment/multitool -- /bin/bash
docker run --rm -it --name network-multitool wbitt/network-multitool bash

# Curl
kubectl run test --image=tutum/curl -- sleep 10000

# Deprecation syntax
kubectl run --image=k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4 --generator=run-pod/v1         hello-1 --port=8080 # VALID!
kubectl run --image=k8s.gcr.io/echoserver:1.4 --generator=deployment/apps.v1 hello-1 --port=8080 # <- deprecated

# Errors
# | error: --rm should only be used for attached containers
# | Error: unknown flag: --image # when kubectl create --image

Additional software

# Process and network comamnds
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Ubuntu 20.04
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -yq dnsutils iproute2 iputils-ping iputils-tracepath net-tools netcat procps
# | dnsutils     - nslookup, dig
# | iproute2     - ip addr, ss
# | iputils-ping      - ping
# | iputils-tracepath - tracepath
# | net-tools    - ifconfig
# | netcat       - nc
# | procps       - ps, top

# Databases
apt install -yq redis-tools
apt install -yq postgresql-client

# AWS cli v1 - Debian
apt install python-pip
pip install awscli

# Network test without ping, nc or telnet
(timeout 1 bash -c '</dev/tcp/ && echo PORT OPEN || echo PORT CLOSED') 2>/dev/null

kubectl heredocs
kubectl apply -f <(cat <<EOF
) --dry-run=server

One lines move to yamls
# kubectl exec -it ubuntu-2 -- bash
kubectl apply -f <(cat <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
# namespace: default
  name: ubuntu-1
# annotations:
#   kubernetes.io/psp: eks.privileged
# labels:
#   app: ubuntu
  - command:
    - "sleep"
    - "7200"
#   args:
#   - "bash"
    image: ubuntu:20.04
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    name: ubuntu-1
#   securityContext:
#     privileged: true
#   tty: true
# dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
# enableServiceLinks: true
  restartPolicy: Never
# serviceAccount    : sa1
# serviceAccountName: sa1
# nodeSelector:
#   node.kubernetes.io/lifecycle: spot
) --dry-run=server

Docker - for a single missing commands

If you ever miss some commands you can use docker container package with it:

# curl - missing on minikube node that runs CoreOS
minikube -p metrics ip; minikube ssh
docker run appropriate/curl -- http://<NodeIP>:10255/stats/summary # check kubelet-metrics non secure endpoint

kubectl diff

Shows the differences between the current live object and the new dry-run object.

kubectl diff -f webfront-deploy.yaml
diff -u -N /tmp/LIVE-761963756/apps.v1.Deployment.default.webfront-deploy /tmp/MERGED-431884635/apps.v1.Deployment.default.webfront-deploy
--- /tmp/LIVE-761963756/apps.v1.Deployment.default.webfront-deploy      2019-10-13 17:46:59.784000000 +0000
+++ /tmp/MERGED-431884635/apps.v1.Deployment.default.webfront-deploy    2019-10-13 17:46:59.788000000 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "1"
   creationTimestamp: "2019-10-13T16:38:43Z"
-  generation: 2
+  generation: 3
     app: webfront-deploy
   name: webfront-deploy
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   uid: ebaf757e-edd7-11e9-8060-0a2fb3cdd79a
   progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
-  replicas: 2
+  replicas: 1
   revisionHistoryLimit: 10
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
       creationTimestamp: null
         app: webfront-deploy
+        role: webfront
       - image: nginx:1.7.8
exit status 1

Kubectl-plugins - Krew plugin manager

Install krew package manager for kubectl plugins, requires K8s v1.12+

  set -x; cd "$(mktemp -d)" &&
  OS="$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" &&
  ARCH="$(uname -m | sed -e 's/x86_64/amd64/' -e 's/\(arm\)\(64\)\?.*/\1\2/' -e 's/aarch64$/arm64/')" &&
  KREW="krew-${OS}_${ARCH}" &&
  curl -fsSLO "https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/krew/releases/latest/download/${KREW}.tar.gz" &&
  tar zxvf "${KREW}.tar.gz" &&
  ./"${KREW}" install krew

# update PATH
[ -d ${HOME}/.krew/bin ] && export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.krew/bin"

# List plugins
kubectl krew search

# Install plugins
kubectl krew install sniff

# Upgrade plugins
kubectl krew upgrade

Install kubectl plugins

kubectl ctx and kubectl ns - change context and set default namespace

kubectl krew install ctx ns

kubectl cssh - SSH into Kubernetes nodes

# Ssh to all nodes, example below for EKS v1.15.11
kubectl cssh -u ec2-user -i /git/secrets/ssh/dev.pem -a "InternalIP"

kubectl deprecations

kubectl deprecations
shows all the deprecated objects in a Kubernetes cluster allowing the operator to verify them before upgrading the cluster. It uses the swagger.json version available in master branch of Kubernetes repository (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/api/openapi-spec) as a reference.
kubectl deprecations
StatefulSet found in statefulsets.apps/v1beta1
		-> OBJECT: myapp namespace: mynamespace1

Prior upgrade report. Script specific to EKS.

[[ $# -eq 0 ]] && echo "no args, provide prefix for the file name" && exit 1
K8Sid=$(kubectl cluster-info | head -1 | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1)
kubectl deprecations --k8s-version $TARGET_K8S_VER > $PREFIX-$(kubectl cluster-info | head -1 | cut -d'/' -f3 | cut -d'.' -f1)-$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M")-from-$(kubectl version --short | grep Server | cut -f3 -d' ')-to-${TARGET_K8S_VER}.yaml
$ ./kube-deprecations.sh test
$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant 29356 Jun 29 16:09 test-11111111112222222222333333333344-20200629-1609-from-v1.15.11-eks-af3caf-to-latest.yaml
-rw-rw-r-- 1 vagrant vagrant   852 Jun 30 22:41 test-11111111112222222222333333333344-20200630-2241-from-v1.15.11-eks-af3caf-to-v1.16.8.yaml
-rwxrwxr-x 1 vagrant vagrant   437 Jun 30 22:41 kube-deprecations.sh

kubectl df-pv

kubectl df-pv
Show disk usage (like unix df) for persistent volumes
kubectl df-pv
PVC                   NAMESPACE   POD                    SIZE          USED        AVAILABLE     PERCENTUSED   IUSED   IFREE     PERCENTIUSED
rdbms-volume          shared1     rdbms-d494fbf4-xrssk   2046640128    252817408   1777045504    12.35         688     130384    0.52
userdata-0            shared2     mft-0                  21003583488   57692160    20929114112   0.27          749     1309971   0.06

kubectl sniff

Start a remote packet capture on pods using tcpdump.

kubectl sniff hello-minikube-7c77b68cff-qbvsd -c hello-minikube
# Flags:
#   -c, --container string             container (optional)
#   -x, --context string               kubectl context to work on (optional)
#   -f, --filter string                tcpdump filter (optional)
#   -h, --help                         help for sniff
#       --image string                 the privileged container image (optional)
#   -i, --interface string             pod interface to packet capture (optional) (default "any")
#   -l, --local-tcpdump-path string    local static tcpdump binary path (optional)
#   -n, --namespace string             namespace (optional) (default "default")
#   -o, --output-file string           output file path, tcpdump output will be redirect to this file instead of wireshark (optional) ('-' stdout)
#   -p, --privileged                   if specified, ksniff will deploy another pod that have privileges to attach target pod network namespace
#   -r, --remote-tcpdump-path string   remote static tcpdump binary path (optional) (default "/tmp/static-tcpdump")
#   -v, --verbose                      if specified, ksniff output will include debug information (optional)

The command above will open Wireshark, interesting article to follow:

kubectl neat

Print sanitized Kubernetes manifest.

kubectl get csec  dummy-secret -n clustersecret -oyaml | kubectl neat
apiVersion: clustersecret.io/v1
  tls.crt: ***
  tls.key: ***
kind: ClusterSecret
- anothernamespace
  name: dummy-secret
  namespace: clustersecret

Getting help like manpages kubectl explain

$ kubectl --help
$ kubectl get --help
$ kubectl explain --help
$ kubectl explain pod.spec.containers # kubectl knows cluster version, so gives you correct schema details
$ kubectl explain pods.spec.tolerations --recursive # show only fields
   effect	<string>
   key	<string>
   operator	<string>
   tolerationSeconds	<integer>
   value	<string>

Watch Containers logs


Note: https://github.com/wercker/stern repository has no activity ISSUE-140, the new community maintain repo is stern/stern

Log tailing and landscape viewing tool. It connects to kubeapi and streams logs from all pods. Thus using this external tool with clusters that have 100ts of containers can be put significant load on kubeapi.

It will re-use kubectl config file to connect to your clusters, so works oob.

# Govendor - this module manager is required
export GOPATH=$HOME/go        # path where go modules can be found, used by 'go get -u <url>'
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin # path to the additional 'go' binaries
go get -u github.com/kardianos/govendor  # there will be no output

# Stern (official)
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/stern # new link: https://github.com/stern/stern
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/stern
git clone https://github.com/stern/stern.git && cd stern
govendor sync # there will be no output, may take 2 min
go install    # no output

# Stern latest, download binary, no need for govendor
LATEST=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/$REPO/releases/latest" | jq -r .tag_name | tr -d v); echo $LATEST
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d); FILE=stern_${LATEST}_linux_amd64
curl -L https://github.com/$REPO/releases/download/v${LATEST}/$FILE.tar.gz -o $TEMPDIR/$FILE.tar.gz
sudo tar xzvf $TEMPDIR/$FILE.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin/ stern

# Regex filter (pod-query) to match 2 pods patterns 'proxy' and 'gateway'
stern -n dev --kubeconfig ~/.kube/dev-config \(proxy\|gateway\)  # escape to protect regex mod characters
stern -n dev --kubeconfig ~/.kube/dev-config '(proxy|gateway)'   # single-quote to protect mod characters

# Template the output
stern --template '{{.Message}} ({{.NodeName}}/{{.Namespace}}/{{.PodName}}/{{.ContainerName}}){{"\n"}}' .

$ stern
Tail multiple pods and containers from Kubernetes

  stern pod-query [flags]

  -A, --all-namespaces             If present, tail across all namespaces. A specific namespace is ignored even if specified with --namespace.
      --color string               Color output. Can be 'always', 'never', or 'auto' (default "auto")
      --completion string          Outputs stern command-line completion code for the specified shell. Can be 'bash' or 'zsh'
  -c, --container string           Container name when multiple containers in pod (default ".*")
      --container-state string     If present, tail containers with status in running, waiting or terminated. Default to running. (default "running")
      --context string             Kubernetes context to use. Default to current context configured in kubeconfig.
  -e, --exclude strings            Regex of log lines to exclude
  -E, --exclude-container string   Exclude a Container name
  -h, --help                       help for stern
  -i, --include strings            Regex of log lines to include
      --init-containers            Include or exclude init containers (default true)
      --kubeconfig string          Path to kubeconfig file to use
  -n, --namespace string           Kubernetes namespace to use. Default to namespace configured in Kubernetes context.
  -o, --output string              Specify predefined template. Currently support: [default, raw, json] (default "default")
  -l, --selector string            Selector (label query) to filter on. If present, default to ".*" for the pod-query.
  -s, --since duration             Return logs newer than a relative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h. Defaults to 48h.
      --tail int                   The number of lines from the end of the logs to show. Defaults to -1, showing all logs. (default -1)
      --template string            Template to use for log lines, leave empty to use --output flag
  -t, --timestamps                 Print timestamps
  -v, --version                    Print the version and exit

stern <pod>
stern --tail 1 busybox -n <namespace> #this is RegEx that matches busybox1|2|etc


Bash script that enables you to aggregate (tail/follow) logs from multiple pods into one stream. This is the same as running kubectl logs -f but for multiple pods.

Lens | Kubernetes IDE

Kubernetes client, this is not a dashboard that needs installing on a cluster. Similar to KUI but much more powerful.

# Deb
curl curl https://api.k8slens.dev/binaries/Lens-5.4.1-latest.20220304.1.amd64.deb
sudo apt-get install ./Lens-5.4.1-latest.20220304.1.amd64.deb

# Snap
snap list
sudo snap install kontena-lens --classic # U16.04+, tested on U20.04

# Install from a .snap file
mkdir -p ~/Downloads/kontena-lens && cd $_
snap download kontena-lens
sudo snap ack     kontena-lens_152.assert         # add an assertion to the system assertion database
sudo snap install kontena-lens_152.snap --classic # --dangerous if you do not have the assert file

# download snap from https://k8slens.dev/
curl https://api.k8slens.dev/binaries/Lens-5.3.4-latest.20220120.1.amd64.snap
sudo snap install Lens-5.3.4-latest.20220120.1.amd64.snap --classic --dangerous

# Info
$ snap info kontena-lens_152.assert
name:      kontena-lens
summary:   Lens - The Kubernetes IDE
publisher: Mirantis Inc (jakolehm)
store-url: https://snapcraft.io/kontena-lens
contact:   info@k8slens.dev
license:   Proprietary
description: |
  Lens is the most powerful IDE for people who need to deal with Kubernetes clusters on a daily
  basis. Ensure your clusters are properly setup and configured. Enjoy increased visibility, real
  time statistics, log streams and hands-on troubleshooting capabilities. With Lens, you can work
  with your clusters more easily and fast, radically improving productivity and the speed of
snap-id: Dek6y5mTEPxhySFKPB4Z0WVi5EPS9osS
  latest/stable:    4.0.7      2021-01-20 (152) 107MB classic
  latest/candidate: 4.0.7      2021-01-20 (152) 107MB classic
  latest/beta:      4.0.7      2021-01-20 (152) 107MB classic
  latest/edge:      4.1.0-rc.1 2021-02-11 (157) 108MB classic

$ snap info kontena-lens_152.snap
path:       "kontena-lens_152.snap"
name:       kontena-lens
summary:    Lens
version:    4.0.7 classic
build-date: 24 days ago, at 16:31 GMT
license:    unset
description: |
  Lens - The Kubernetes IDE
  - kontena-lens

OpenLens | Kubernetes IDE

Download binary from https://github.com/MuhammedKalkan/OpenLens

Install on Ubuntu


if (( $EUID != 0 )); then

LATEST=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/$REPO/releases/latest" | jq -r .tag_name | tr -d v); echo $LATEST
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d); FILE=OpenLens-${LATEST}.amd64.deb
curl -L https://github.com/${REPO}/releases/download/v${LATEST}/$FILE -o $TEMPDIR/$FILE
$SUDO apt-get install -y --fix-broken

Build your own - gist


install_deps_windows() {
    echo "Installing Build Dependencies (Windows)..."
    choco install -y make visualstudio2019buildtools visualstudio2019-workload-vctools

install_deps_darwin() {
    echo "Installing Build Dependencies (Darwin)..."
    xcode-select --install
    if ! hash make 2>/dev/null; then
        if ! hash brew 2>/dev/null; then
            echo "Installing Homebrew..."
            /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
        echo "Installing make via Homebrew..."
        brew install make

install_deps_posix() {
    echo "Installing Build Dependencies (Posix)..."
    sudo apt-get install -y make g++ curl

install_darwin() {
    echo "Killing OpenLens (if open)..."
    killall OpenLens
    echo "Installing OpenLens (Darwin)..."
    rm -Rf "$HOME/Applications/OpenLens.app"
    if [[ "$(uname -m)" == "arm64" ]]; then
        arch="mac-arm64"  # credit @teefax
    cp -Rfp "$tempdir/lens/dist/$arch/OpenLens.app" "$HOME/Applications/"
    rm -Rf "$tempdir"

install_posix() {
    echo "Installing OpenLens (Posix)..."
    cd "$tempdir"
    sudo dpkg -i "$(ls -Art $tempdir/lens/dist/*.deb  | tail -n 1)"
    rm -Rf "$tempdir"

install_windows() {
    echo "Installing OpenLens (Windows)..."
    "$(/bin/ls -Art $tempdir/lens/dist/OpenLens*.exe  | tail -n 1)"
    rm -Rf "$tempdir"

install_nvm() {
    if [ -z "$NVM_DIR" ]; then
        echo "Installing NVM..."
        NVM_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/nvm-sh/nvm/releases/latest | sed -En 's/  "tag_name": "(.+)",/\1/p')
        curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/$NVM_VERSION/install.sh | bash
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"

build_openlens() {
    tempdir=$(mktemp -d)
    cd "$tempdir"
    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        echo "Checking GitHub API for latests tag..."
        OPENLENS_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/lensapp/lens/releases/latest | sed -En 's/  "tag_name": "(.+)",/\1/p')
        if [[ "$1" == v* ]]; then
        echo "Using supplied tag $OPENLENS_VERSION"
    if [ -z $OPENLENS_VERSION ]; then
        echo "Failed to get valid version tag. Aborting!"
        exit 1
    curl -L https://github.com/lensapp/lens/archive/refs/tags/$OPENLENS_VERSION.tar.gz | tar xvz
    mv lens-* lens
    cd lens
    NVM_CURRENT=$(nvm current)
    nvm install 16
    nvm use 16
    npm install -g yarn
    make build
    nvm use "$NVM_CURRENT"

print_alias_message() {
    if [ "$(type -t install_openlens)" != 'alias' ]; then
        printf "It is recommended to add an alias to your shell profile to run this script again.\n"
        printf "alias install_openlens=\"curl -o- https://gist.githubusercontent.com/jslay88/bf654c23eaaaed443bb8e8b41d02b2a9/raw/install_openlens.sh | bash\"\n\n"

if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then
    build_openlens "$1"
elif [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
    build_openlens "$1"
    build_openlens "$1"

echo "Done!"

kui terminal

kui is a terminal with visualizations, provided by IBM

Install using continent install script into /opt/Kui-linux-x64/ and symlink Kui binary to /usr/local/bin/kui

LATEST=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/$REPO/releases/latest" | jq -r .tag_name); echo $LATEST
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d); FILE=Kui-linux-x64.zip
curl -L https://github.com/$REPO/releases/download/$LATEST/Kui-linux-x64.zip -o $TEMPDIR/$FILE
sudo mkdir -p /opt/Kui-linux-x64
sudo unzip $TEMPDIR/$FILE -d /opt/

# Run
$> /opt/Kui-linux-x64/Kui

Run Kui as [Kubernetes plugin https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubectl/kubectl-plugins/]

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Kui-linux-x64/ # make sure Kui libs are in environment PATH
kubectl kui get pods -A               # -> a pop up window will show up

$ kubectl plugin list 
The following compatible plugins are available:


Popeye is a utility that scans live Kubernetes cluster and reports potential issues with deployed resources and configurations.


# Install
VERSION=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/${REPO}/releases/latest" | jq -r .tag_name); echo $VERSION # latest
wget https://github.com/${REPO}/releases/download/${VERSION}/${RELEASE}
tar xf ${RELEASE} popeye --remove-files
sudo install popeye /usr/local/bin

# Usage
popeye # --out html


K9s provides a terminal UI to interact with Kubernetes clusters.

LATEST=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/derailed/k9s/releases/latest" | jq -r .tag_name); echo $LATEST
wget https://github.com/derailed/k9s/releases/download/$LATEST/k9s_Linux_amd64.tar.gz
tar xf k9s_Linux_amd64.tar.gz --remove-files k9s
sudo install k9s /usr/local/bin
  • ? help
  • :ns select namespace
  • :nodes show nodes



Kubecolor is a bash function that colorizes the output of kubectl get events -w.

# This script is not working
git clone https://github.com/droctothorpe/kubecolor.git ~/.kubecolor
echo "source ~/.kubecolor/kubecolor.bash" >> ~/.bash_profile # (or ~/.bashrc)
source ~/.bash_profile # (or ~/.bashrc)

# You can source this function instead
kube-events() {
    kubectl get events --all-namespaces --watch \
    -o 'go-template={{.lastTimestamp}} ^ {{.involvedObject.kind}} ^ {{.message}} ^ ({{.involvedObject.name}}){{"\n"}}' \
    | awk -F^ \
    -v   black=$(tput setaf 0) \
    -v     red=$(tput setaf 1) \
    -v   green=$(tput setaf 2) \
    -v  yellow=$(tput setaf 3) \
    -v    blue=$(tput setaf 4) \
    -v magenta=$(tput setaf 5) \
    -v    cyan=$(tput setaf 6) \
    -v   white=$(tput setaf 7) \
    '{ $1=blue $1; $2=green $2; $3=white $3; }  1'

# Usage
kubectl get events -A -w
kubectl get events --all-namespaces --watch -o 'go-template={{.lastTimestamp}} {{.involvedObject.kind}} {{.message}} ({{.involvedObject.name}}){{"\n"}}'


Argo Rollouts introduces a new custom resource called a Rollout to provide additional deployment strategies such as Blue Green and Canary to Kubernetes.


Murre is an on-demand, scaleable source of container resource metrics for K8s. No dependencies needed, no install needed on a cluster.

goenv install 1.18 # although 1.19 is the latest and the install completes successfully it wont create the binary  
go install github.com/groundcover-com/murre@latest
murre --sortby-cpu-util
murre --sortby-cpu
murre --pod kong-51xst
murre --namespace dev

Kubernetes scripts

These Scripts allow you to troubleshoot and check the health status of the cluster and deployments They allow you to gather these information

  • Cluster resources
  • Cluster Nodes status
  • Nodes Conditions
  • Pods per Nodes
  • Worker Nodes Per Availability Zones
  • Cluster Node Types
  • Pods not in running or completed status
  • Top Pods according to Memory Limits
  • Top Pods according to CPU Limits
  • Number of Pods
  • Pods Status
  • Max Pods restart count
  • Readiness of Pods
  • Pods Average Utilization
  • Top Pods according to CPU Utilization
  • Top Pods according to Memory Utilization
  • Pods Distribution per Nodes
  • Node Distribution per Availability Zone
  • Deployments without correct resources (Memory or CPU)
  • Deployments without Limits
  • Deployments without Application configured in Labels

Multi-node clusters

Note: Kubernetes/minikube can do this natively

Build multi node cluster for development. On a single machine

  • kube-spawn tool for creating a multi-node Kubernetes (>= 1.8) cluster on a single Linux machine
  • kubernetes-dind-cluster Kubernetes multi-node cluster for developer of Kubernetes that launches in 36 seconds
  • kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”
  • Vagrant full documentation in thsi article

Full cluster provisioning

  • kubespray Deploy a Production Ready Kubernetes Cluster
  • kops get a production grade Kubernetes cluster up and running


CLI and validation tools for Kubelet Container Runtime Interface (CRI). Used for debugging Kubernetes nodes with crictl. crictl requires a Linux operating system with a CRI runtime. Creating containers with this tool on K8s cluster, will eventually cause that Kubernetes will delete these containers.

kubediff show diff code vs what is deployed

Kubediff is a tool for Kubernetes to show you the differences between your running configuration and your version controlled configuration.

Mozilla SOPS - secret manager

  • SOPS Mozilla SOPS: Secrets OPerationS, sops is an editor of encrypted files that supports YAML, JSON, ENV, INI and BINARY formats and encrypts with AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault and PGP


LATEST=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/getsops/sops/releases/latest" | jq -r .tag_name); echo $LATEST
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
curl -sL https://github.com/mozilla/sops/releases/download/${LATEST}/sops-${LATEST}.linux.amd64 -o $TEMPDIR/sops
sudo install $TEMPDIR/sops /usr/local/bin/sops

Kompose (Kubernetes + Compose)

kompose is a tool to convert docker-compose files to Kubernetes manifests. kompose takes a Docker Compose file and translates it into Kubernetes resources.

# Linux
curl -L https://github.com/kubernetes/kompose/releases/download/v1.21.0/kompose-linux-amd64 -o kompose
sudo install ./kompose /usr/local/bin/kompose               # option 1
chmod +x kompose; sudo mv ./kompose /usr/local/bin/kompose  # option 2

# Completion
source <(kompose completion bash)

# Convert
kompose convert -f docker-compose-mac.yaml

WARN Restart policy 'unless-stopped' in service mysql is not supported, convert it to 'always'
INFO Kubernetes file "mysql-service.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "cluster-dir-persistentvolumeclaim.yaml" created
INFO Kubernetes file "mysql-deployment.yaml" created

kube-iptables-tailer - ip-table drop packages logger

Allows to view iptables dropped packages, useful when working with Network Policies to identify pods trying to talk to disallowed destinations.

This project deploys kube-iptables-tailer daemonset that watches iptables log /var/log/iptables.log on each k8s-node mounted as hostPath volume. It filters the log for custom prefix, set in daemonset.spec.template.spec.containers.env and sends to cluster events.

              - name: "IPTABLES_LOG_PATH"
                value: "/var/log/iptables.log"
              - name: "IPTABLES_LOG_PREFIX"
                # log prefix defined in your iptables chains
                value: "my-prefix:"

Set iptables Log Prefix

$ iptables -A CHAIN_NAME -j LOG --log-prefix "EXAMPLE_LOG_PREFIX: "

Example output, when packet dropped

$ kubectl describe pods --namespace=YOUR_NAMESPACE
  FirstSeen   LastSeen    Count   From                    Type          Reason          Message
  ---------   --------	  -----	  ----                    ----          ------          -------
  1h          5s          10      kube-iptables-tailer    Warning       PacketDrop      Packet dropped when receiving traffic from example-service-2 (IP:
  3h          2m          5       kube-iptables-tailer    Warning       PacketDrop      Packet dropped when sending traffic to example-service-1 (IP:

ksniff - pipe a pod traffic to Wireshark or Tshark

A kubectl plugin that utilize tcpdump and Wireshark to start a remote capture on any pod

flagger - canary deployments

Flagger is a Kubernetes operator that automates the promotion of canary deployments using Istio, Linkerd, App Mesh, NGINX, Skipper, Contour or Gloo routing for traffic shifting and Prometheus metrics for canary analysis.


Kubeval is used to validate one or more Kubernetes configuration files, and is often used locally as part of a development workflow as well as in CI pipelines.

# Install
wget https://github.com/instrumenta/kubeval/releases/latest/download/kubeval-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xf kubeval-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo cp kubeval /usr/local/bin

# Usage
$> kubeval my-invalid-rc.yaml
WARN - my-invalid-rc.yaml contains an invalid ReplicationController - spec.replicas: Invalid type. Expected: integer, given: string
$> echo $?

kubeconform - improved Kubeval

Kubeconform is a Kubernetes manifests validation tool.

# Install
wget https://github.com/yannh/kubeconform/releases/latest/download/kubeconform-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar xf kubeconform-linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo install kubeconform /usr/local/bin

# Show version
kubeconform -v


KUR8 - like Elastic.io EFK dashboards

Note: I've deployed v1.0.0 to monitoring ns along with already existing service kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus:9090 but the application was crashing

CPU Load pods

# Repeat the command times x CPU
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l # count processors
yes > /dev/null &



Other projects

  • kube-tmux Kubernetes context and namespace status for tmux
  • kube-ps1 Kubernetes prompt for bash and zsh