Cisco licensing

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Since IOS 15 Cisco introduced a new model of licensing. Instead purchasing of correct IOS image with required feature sets now each IOS is complete set of features enabled by licences scheme. It eliminates uploading IOS to a device if the enhanced features are required.

Show current licences and IOS version

show version
Cisco IOS Software, C1900 Software (C1900-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.2(4)M3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2013 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 26-Feb-13 02:11 by prod_rel_team

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 15.0(1r)M16, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

r1-basic uptime is 11 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload at 10:54:53 UTC Sun Sep 1 2013
System image file is "flash0:c1900-universalk9-mz.SPA.152-4.M3.bin"
Last reload type: Normal Reload
Last reload reason: Reload Command
<--- output obmitted and empty lines removed--->
Cisco CISCO1941/K9 (revision 1.0) with 487424K/36864K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID ****SN*****
6 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
3 terminal lines
2 Cellular interfaces
DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
255K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
250880K bytes of ATA System CompactFlash 0 (Read/Write)
License Info:
License UDI:
Device#   PID                   SN
*0        CISCO1941/K9          ****SN*****

Technology Package License Information for Module:'c1900'
Technology    Technology-package           Technology-package
              Current       Type           Next reboot
ipbase        ipbasek9      Permanent      ipbasek9
security      disable       None           disable
data          disable       None           disable
Configuration register is 0x2102

See if End User Level Agreement has been accepted.

show license EULA
Feature name             EULA Accepted
------------             -------------
ipbasek9                 n/a
securityk9               yes
datak9                   yes
SSL_VPN                  no
ios-ips-update           no
hseck9                   n/a
WAAS_Express             no 

<--- output omitted ----> 
show license feature
Feature name             Enforcement  Evaluation  Subscription   Enabled  RightToUse
ipbasek9                 no           no          no             yes      no
securityk9               yes          yes         no             yes      yes
datak9                   yes          yes         no             yes      yes
SSL_VPN                  yes          yes         no             no       yes
ios-ips-update           yes          yes         yes            no       yes
hseck9                   yes          no          no             no       no
WAAS_Express             yes          yes         no             no       yes

Enable feature set

Accept EULA (end user agreement) first for all Cisco IOS software packages and features. After the command is issued and the EULA accepted, it is automatically applied for all Cisco IOS software packages and feature licenses.

(config)# license accept end user agreement

Enable feature of choice, here datak9 will be enavled. Use '?' at the end of a command line to list all available technology feature packages. Then you need to save changes and reload your router. The feature will be activated at the next boot.

(config)#license boot module c1900 technology-package datak9

Disable feature set

Preview available technology packages

r1-basic(config)#license boot module c1900 technology-package ?
  datak9      data technology
  securityk9  security technology

Disable the package of choice, here 'securityk9'

r1-basic(config)#license boot module c1900 technology-package securityk9 disable
% use 'write' command to make license boot config take effect on next boot  
Building configuration...

The following license(s) are transitioning, expiring or have expired.
Features with expired licenses may not work after Reload.
Feature: datak9                         ,Status: transition, Period Left: 8  wks 3  days
Feature: securityk9                     ,Status: transition, Period Left: 8  wks 3  days

Proceed with reload? [confirm]
r1-basic#sh license feature
Feature name             Enforcement  Evaluation  Subscription   Enabled  RightToUse
ipbasek9                 no           no          no             yes      no
securityk9               yes          yes         no             no       yes
datak9                   yes          yes         no             no       yes
SSL_VPN                  yes          yes         no             no       yes
ios-ips-update           yes          yes         yes            no       yes
hseck9                   yes          no          no             no       no
WAAS_Express             yes          yes         no             no       yes

Please check the license status License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA accepted changed from License State: Active, In Use

r1-basic#sh license detail
Index: 1        Feature: SSL_VPN                           Version: 1.0
        License Type: EvalRightToUse
        License State: Not in Use, EULA not accepted
            Evaluation total period: 8  weeks 4  days
            Evaluation period left: 8  weeks 4  days
            Period used: 0  minute  0  second
        Lock type: Non Node locked
        Vendor info: <UDI><PID>NOTLOCKED</PID><SN>NOTLOCKED</SN></UDI><T>RTU</T>
        License Addition: Additive
        License Generation version: 0x8200000
        License Count: 0/0  (In-use/Violation)
        License Priority: None
        Store Index: 2
        Store Name: Built-In License Storage
Index: 2        Feature: WAAS_Express                      Version: 1.0
        License Type: EvalRightToUse
        License State: Not in Use, EULA not accepted
            Evaluation total period: 8  weeks 4  days
            Evaluation period left: 8  weeks 4  days
            Period used: 0  minute  0  second
        Lock type: Non Node locked
        Vendor info: <UDI><PID>NOTLOCKED</PID><SN>NOTLOCKED</SN></UDI><T>RTU</T>
        License Addition: Additive
        License Generation version: 0x8200000
        License Count: Non-Counted
        License Priority: None
        Store Index: 4
        Store Name: Built-In License Storage
Index: 3        Feature: datak9                            Version: 1.0
        License Type: EvalRightToUse
        License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA accepted
            Evaluation total period: 8  weeks 4  days
            Evaluation period left: 8  weeks 3  days
            Period used: 48 minutes 54 seconds
        Lock type: Non Node locked
        Vendor info: <UDI><PID>NOTLOCKED</PID><SN>NOTLOCKED</SN></UDI><T>RTU</T>
        License Addition: Additive
        License Generation version: 0x8200000
        License Count: Non-Counted
        License Priority: Low
        Store Index: 1
        Store Name: Built-In License Storage
Index: 4        Feature: ios-ips-update                    Version: 1.0
        License Type: EvalRightToUse
        License State: Not in Use, EULA not accepted
            Evaluation total period: 8  weeks 4  days
            Evaluation period left: 8  weeks 4  days
            Period used: 0  minute  0  second
        Lock type: Non Node locked
        Vendor info: <UDI><PID>NOTLOCKED</PID><SN>NOTLOCKED</SN></UDI><T>RTU</T>
        License Addition: Additive
        License Generation version: 0x8200000
        License Count: Non-Counted
        License Priority: None
        Store Index: 3
        Store Name: Built-In License Storage
Index: 5        Feature: ipbasek9                          Version: 1.0
        License Type: Permanent
        License State: Active, In Use
        Lock type: Node locked
        Vendor info: <PID>CISCO1941/K9</PID><SN>****SN*****</SN>
        License Addition: Exclusive
        License Generation version: 0x8100000
        License Count: Non-Counted
        License Priority: Medium
        Store Index: 0
        Store Name: Primary License Storage
Index: 6        Feature: securityk9                        Version: 1.0
        License Type: EvalRightToUse
        License State: Active, Not in Use, EULA accepted
            Evaluation total period: 8  weeks 4  days
            Evaluation period left: 8  weeks 3  days
            Period used: 25 minutes 2  seconds
        Lock type: Non Node locked
        Vendor info: <UDI><PID>NOTLOCKED</PID><SN>NOTLOCKED</SN></UDI><T>RTU</T>
        License Addition: Additive
        License Generation version: 0x8200000
        License Count: Non-Counted
        License Priority: Low
        Store Index: 0
        Store Name: Built-In License Storage

Technology licenses

This is not definite list as it depends on platform and an image used, please visit Cisco Feature Navigator for the proper look up.

Here is the list based on Cisco 1941 and 2921 platform with universalk9 image
  • securityk9 - NAC Manager, Firewall, VPN, C3PL - Application Inspection, Deep Packet Inspection
  • ipbasek9
  • securityk9 - ip sla, CBAC(ip inspect)
  • datak9 - ip sla,
  • ios-ips-update
  • hseck9
  • WAAS_Express
