Cisco WLC 2504

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Initial configuration wizard

The following is initial configuration for image version:

HINT: Use '-' hyphen to come back to previous option in the configuration wizard of WLC cli

System Name [Cisco_00:aa:bb] (31 characters max): wlc-1
Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max): admin
Enter Administrative Password (3 to 24 characters): ********
Re-enter Administrative Password                 : ********

Enable Link Aggregation (LAG) [yes][NO]:no

Management Interface IP Address:
Management Interface Netmask:
Management Interface Default Router:
Management Interface VLAN Identifier (0 = untagged): 700

This is your Management VLAN number or use '0' if connecting directly to a laptop

Management Interface Port Num [1 to 4]: 1
Management Interface DHCP Server IP Address:
Virtual Gateway IP Address:
Multicast IP Address:

The multicast address is used by the controller in order to forward traffic to access points. It is important that it does not match another address in use on your network by other protocols. For example, if you use, it breaks mDNS used by some third party applications. It is recommended that the address be on the private range (, which does not include 239.0.0.x and 239.128.0.x.)

Mobility/RF Group Name: RFMobilityGroupLab
Network Name (SSID): Wireless_Lab
Configure DHCP Bridging Mode [yes][NO]: no
Allow Static IP Addresses [YES][no]: yes
Configure a RADIUS Server now? [YES][no]: no
Warning! The default WLAN security policy requires a RADIUS server.
Please see documentation for more details.

Enter Country Code list (enter 'help' for a list of countries) [US]: GB

Enable 802.11b Network [YES][no]: yes
Enable 802.11a Network [YES][no]: yes
Enable 802.11g Network [YES][no]: yes
Enable Auto-RF [YES][no]: yes

Configure a NTP server now? [YES][no]: yes
Enter the NTP server's IP address:
Enter a polling interval between 3600 and 604800 secs: 7200

Configuration correct? If yes, system will save it and reset. [yes][NO]: no

Configuration saved!
Resetting system with new configuration...

Configuration saved!
Resetting system with new configuration...
Restarting system.

this may take approx ~7 min

The example output can be seen here

Change Management interface VLAN700 to '0' untagged:

Follow these steps when connecting laptop directly to WLC management port. This need to be set up as untagged port.

(Cisco Controller) >show interface summary

Number of Interfaces.......................... 2

Interface Name                   Port Vlan Id  IP Address      Type    Ap Mgr Guest
-------------------------------- ---- -------- --------------- ------- ------ -----
management                       1    700       Static  Yes    No
virtual                          N/A  N/A         Static  No     No

(Cisco Controller) >config interface vlan management 0

Request failed - Active WLAN using interface. Disable WLAN first.

config wlan disable all
config interface vlan management 0
config wlan enable all
show interface summary

Number of Interfaces.......................... 2

Interface Name                   Port Vlan Id  IP Address      Type    Ap Mgr Guest
-------------------------------- ---- -------- --------------- ------- ------ -----
management                       1    untagged       Static  Yes    No
virtual                          N/A  N/A         Static  No     No

You can connect now directly to a laptop and verify connectivity to WLC by ping to from the laptop.

(Cisco Controller) >show interface detailed management

Interface Name................................... management
MAC Address...................................... 24:00:aa:bb:d7:00
IP Address.......................................
IP Netmask.......................................
IP Gateway.......................................
External NAT IP State............................ Disabled
External NAT IP Address..........................
VLAN............................................. untagged
Quarantine-vlan.................................. 0
Active Physical Port............................. 1
Primary Physical Port............................ 1
Backup Physical Port............................. Unconfigured
DHCP Proxy Mode.................................. Global
Primary DHCP Server..............................
Secondary DHCP Server............................ Unconfigured
DHCP Option 82................................... Disabled
IPv4 ACL......................................... Unconfigured
IPv6 ACL......................................... Unconfigured
mDNS Profile Name................................ Unconfigured
AP Manager....................................... Yes
Guest Interface.................................. No
L2 Multicast..................................... Enabled

Applying license to support Access Poiints

By default Cisco WLC 2504 supports only 5 access points. Here we will be applying AP count license to add additional 25 access points to base image. It may happen that you need to remove base count license

 (Cisco Controller) >license install tftp:

url is invalid. Use tftp://<server ip>/path/filename

(Cisco Controller) >license install tftp://

Transfering licenses from tftp://

1/3 licenses were successfully installed
2/3 licenses were existing licenses
0/3 licenses were failed to install

Failed license installation at index:0 : Duplicate license

Failed license installation at index:1 : Duplicate license


Please believe the last line was showing 25, now it is 50.

(Cisco Controller) show>sysinfo

Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller
Product Version..................................
Bootloader Version............................... 1.0.16
Field Recovery Image Version..................... 1.0.0
Firmware Version................................. PIC 16.0

Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS

System Name...................................... Cisco_aa:bb:cc
System Location..................................
System Contact...................................
System ObjectID..................................
IP Address.......................................
Last Reset....................................... Power on reset
System Up Time................................... 0 days 4 hrs 1 mins 19 secs
System Timezone Location.........................

Configured Country............................... GB  - United Kingdom
Operating Environment............................ Commercial (0 to 40 C)

--More-- or (q)uit
Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... 0 to 65 C
Internal Temperature............................. +26 C
External Temperature............................. +30 C
Fan Status....................................... 4300 rpm

State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled
State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled
Number of WLANs.................................. 1
Number of Active Clients......................... 0

Burned-in MAC Address............................ 84:78:AC:AA:BB:CC
Maximum number of APs supported.................. 50

Upgrade WLC software using cli method

(Cisco Controller) >transfer download mode tftp
(Cisco Controller) >transfer download serverip
(Cisco Controller) >transfer download path ./
(Cisco Controller) >transfer download filename AS_5500_7_5_102_9.aes
(Cisco Controller) >transfer download start

Mode............................................. TFTP
Data Type........................................ Code
TFTP Server IP...................................
TFTP Packet Timeout.............................. 6
TFTP Max Retries................................. 10
TFTP Path........................................ ./
TFTP Filename.................................... AS_5500_7_5_102_9.aes

This may take some time.
Are you sure you want to start? (y/N) y
TFTP Code transfer starting.
TFTP receive complete... extracting components.
Image version check passed.
Executing backup script.
Writing new RTOS to flash disk.
Writing new FP to flash disk.
Writing new AP Image Bundle to flash disk.
Executing fini script.
TFTP File transfer is successful.
  Reboot the controller for update to complete.
  Optionally, pre-download the image to APs before rebooting to reduce network downtime.
Verify version
(Cisco Controller) >show sysinfo

Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller
Product Version..................................
Bootloader Version............................... 1.0.16
Field Recovery Image Version..................... 1.0.0
Firmware Version................................. PIC 16.0
Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS
System Name...................................... Cisco_31:59:44
System Location..................................
System Contact...................................
System ObjectID..................................
IP Address.......................................
Last Reset....................................... Power on reset
System Up Time................................... 0 days 6 hrs 34 mins 19 secs
System Timezone Location.........................
Current Boot License Level....................... base
Current Boot License Type........................ Permanent
Next Boot License Level.......................... base
Next Boot License Type........................... Permanent
Configured Country............................... GB  - United Kingdom
Operating Environment............................ Commercial (0 to 40 C)
Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... 0 to 65 C
Internal Temperature............................. +25 C
External Temperature............................. +31 C
Fan Status....................................... 4000 rpm
State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled
State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled
Number of WLANs.................................. 1
Number of Active Clients......................... 0
Burned-in MAC Address............................ 44:03:A7:AA:BB:CC
Maximum number of APs supported.................. 25

Before reboot verify image change from old -> Notice that the old image has become a Backup Boot Image.

(Cisco Controller) >show boot
Primary Boot Image............................... (default)
Backup Boot Image................................ (active)

The controller now has the code update in active volatile RAM, but you must enter reset system to save the code update to non-volatile NVRAM and reboot the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller:

reset system
The system has unsaved changes. 
Would you like to save them now? (y/n) y
Verify new software/code version when WLC is booting up
(Cisco Controller) >
Updating license storage ...  Done.
Restarting system.

WLCNG Boot Loader Version 1.0.16 (Built on Feb 28 2011 at 13:14:54 by cisco)
Board Revision 0.0 (SN: PSZ17012345, Type: AIR-CT2504-K9) (P)

Verifying boot loader integrity... OK.

OCTEON CN5230C-SCP pass 2.0, Core clock: 750 MHz, DDR clock: 330 MHz (660 Mhz data rate)
CPU Cores:  4
DRAM:  1024 MB
Flash: 32 MB
Clearing DRAM........ done
Network: octeth0', octeth1, octeth2, octeth3
  ' - Active interface
  E - Environment MAC address override
CF Bus 0 (IDE): OK
IDE device 0:
 - Model: 1GB CompactFlash Card Firm: CF B612J Ser#: A191102621A10AABBCCD
 - Type: Hard Disk
 - Capacity: 977.4 MB = 0.9 GB (2001888 x 512)

Press <ESC> now to access the Boot Menu...

Cisco AireOS Version
Firmware Version PIC 16.0

Initializing OS Services: ok
Initializing Serial Services: ok
Initializing Network Services: ok
Initializing Licensing Services:
License daemon start initialization.....

License daemon running.....
Starting Statistics Service: ok
Starting ARP Services: ok
Starting Trap Manager: ok
Starting Network Interface Management Services: ok
Starting System Services: ok
Starting FIPS Features: ok : Not enabled
Starting Fastpath Hardware Acceleration: Starting Switching Services: ok
Starting Fastpath Console redirect : ok
Starting Fastpath DP Heartbeat : ok
Fastpath CPU0.00: Starting Fastpath Application. SDK-1.8.0, build 269. Flags-[DUTY CYCLE] : ok
Fastpath CPU0.00: Initializing last packet received queue. Num of cores(2)
Fastpath CPU0.00: Init MBUF size: 1856, Subsequent MBUF size: 2040
Fastpath CPU0.00: Core 0 Initialization: ok
Fastpath CPU0.00: Initializing Timer...
Fastpath CPU0.00: Initializing Timer...done.
Fastpath CPU0.01: Core 1 Initialization: ok
Starting QoS Services: ok
Starting Policy Manager: ok
Starting Data Transport Link Layer: ok
Starting Access Control List Services: ok
Starting System Interfaces: ok
Starting Client Troubleshooting Service: ok
Starting Management Frame Protection: ok
Starting Certificate Database: ok
Starting VPN Services: ok
Starting DNS Services: ok
Starting Licensing Services: ok
Starting Redundancy: ok
Starting LWAPP: ok
Starting CAPWAP: ok
Starting LOCP: ok
Starting Security Services: ok
Starting Policy Manager: ok
Starting Authentication Engine: ok
Starting Mobility Management: ok
Starting Capwap Ping Component: ok
Starting AVC Services: ok
Starting Virtual AP Services: ok
Starting AireWave Director: ok
Starting Network Time Services: ok
Starting Cisco Discovery Protocol: ok
Starting Broadcast Services: ok
Starting Logging Services: ok
Starting DHCP Server: ok
Starting IDS Signature Manager: ok
Starting RFID Tag Tracking: ok
Starting RF Profiles: ok
Starting Power Supply and Fan Status Monitoring Service: ok
Starting Mesh Services:  ok
Starting TSM: ok
Starting CIDS Services: ok
Starting Ethernet-over-IP: ok
Starting DTLS server:  enabled in CAPWAP
Starting CleanAir: ok
Starting WIPS: ok
Starting RRC Services: ok
Starting SXP Services: ok
Starting Alarm Services: ok
Starting FMC HS: ok
Starting IPv6 Services: ok
Starting Config Sync Manager : ok
Starting Hotspot Services: ok
Starting Portal Server Services: ok
Starting mDNS Services: ok
Starting Management Services:
   Web Server:    CLI:    Secure Web: ok

(Cisco Controller)

Enter User Name (or 'Recover-Config' this one-time only to reset configuration to factory defaults)

After reboot verify image change from old -> Notice that the new image is Active.

(Cisco Controller) >show boot
Primary Boot Image............................... (default) (active)
Backup Boot Image................................

Save startup config to TFTP

Controllers contain two kinds of memory: volatile RAM and NVRAM. Save the configuration from volatile RAM to NVRAM (it becomes startup config) without resetting the controller by:

save config 

Export startup config file to TFT server runs on a laptop with IP

transfer upload datatype config
transfer upload mode tftp
transfer upload serverip
transfer upload filename config.cfg
transfer upload path /
transfer upload start

Mode............................................. TFTP
TFTP Server IP...................................
TFTP Path........................................ /
TFTP Filename.................................... config.cfg
Data Type........................................ Config File
Encryption....................................... Disabled

***  WARNING: Config File Encryption Disabled  ***

Are you sure you want to start? (y/N) y
TFTP Config transfer starting.
File transfer operation completed successfully.

You will find config.cfg on your TFTP server and can be edited in a text editor.

Apply config to WLC from TFTP

You can also copy and paste into terminal however downloading & applying the config file from tftp seems more clean/slick/pro. Please notice that IP is a laptop running tftp server hosting the file lab1-wlc_v1.cfg

transfer download datatype config
transfer download mode tftp
transfer download serverip
transfer download path /
transfer download filename lab1-wlc_v1.cfg
transfer download start

Mode............................................. TFTP
Data Type........................................ Config
TFTP Server IP...................................
TFTP Packet Timeout.............................. 6
TFTP Max Retries................................. 10
TFTP Path........................................ /
TFTP Filename.................................... lab1-wlc_v1.cfg
Encrypt/Decrypt Flag............................. Disabled

Warning: Downloading configuration will cause the controller to reset...

This may take some time.
Are you sure you want to start? (y/N) y
TFTP Config transfer starting.
TFTP receive complete... updating configuration.
TFTP receive complete... storing in flash.
System being reset.
Resetting system ...
