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Generalising Windows machine before creating an image

  1. Create Windows VM
  2. Provision/baseline your VM by RDPing and installing software
  3. Generalise your system using sysprep to create System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)
    1. Win+R, type sysprep, it will take you to C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep and run sysprep.exe
      • System Cleanup Action: Enter System Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE)
      • Generalize: Yes (tick)
      • Shutdown Options: Reboot
    2. Optional run: C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep\sysprep.exe /oobe /generalize /shutdown /mode:vm
    3. You will be disconnected from RDP but the instance still run generalising and will stop once done
  4. Go to Azure portal and click on Capture to create an image now
  5. You find new image in Images service where you can create new VM from

Generalising Linux machine before creating an image

  1. Create Linux VM
  2. Provision/baseline your VM by SSHing to provisioning your software
  3. Generalise your system using Azure Linux Agent - waagent
      • sudo waagent -deprovision+user
      • account you are currently logged in will be completly deleted including home
      • Linux system does not neet to be shut
  4. Go to Azure portal and click on Capture to create an image now
  5. You find new image in Images service where you can create new VM from

Not supported server roles and services

This section has been updated on 26/09/2018, for upto date information see 1.

The following roles are not supported on Microsoft Azure virtual machines:

  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server
  • Hyper-V (Hyper-V role is supported in Azure Ev3, and Dv3 series VMs only)
  • Rights Management Services
  • Windows Deployment Services
  • Windows Server features

The following significant features are not supported:

  • BitLocker Drive Encryption (on the operating system hard disk, may be used on data disks)
  • Internet Storage Name Server
  • Multipath I/O
  • Network Load Balancing
  • Peer Name Resolution Protocol
  • RRAS
  • DirectAccess
  • SNMP Services
  • Storage Manager for SANs
  • Windows Internet Name Service
  • Wireless LAN Service


Azure subscription
Used to pay for Azure cloud services. You can have many subscriptions and they're linked to a credit card.
Azure tenant
A dedicated and trusted instance of Azure AD that's automatically created when your organization signs up for a Microsoft cloud service subscription, such as Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Intune, or Office 365. An Azure tenant represents a single organization.
Single tenant
Azure tenants that access other services in a dedicated environment are considered single tenant.
Azure tenants that access other services in a shared environment, across multiple organizations, are considered multi-tenant.
Azure AD directory
Each Azure tenant has a dedicated and trusted Azure AD directory. The Azure AD directory includes the tenant's users, groups, and apps and is used to perform identity and access management functions for tenant resources.
Azure AD account
An identity created through Azure AD or another Microsoft cloud service, such as Office 365. Identities are stored in Azure AD and accessible to your organization's cloud service subscriptions. This account is also sometimes called a Work or school account.
This role helps you manage all Azure resources, including access. This role is built on a newer authorization system called role-base access control (RBAC) that provides fine-grained access management to Azure resources. For more information, see Classic subscription administrator roles, Azure RBAC roles, and Azure AD administrator roles.
Azure AD Global administrator
This administrator role is automatically assigned to whomever created the Azure AD tenant. Global administrators can perform all of the administrative functions for Azure AD and any services that federate to Azure AD, such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, and Skype for Business Online. You can have multiple Global administrators, but only Global administrators can assign administrator roles (including assigning other Global administrators) to users. Note: This administrator role is called Global administrator in the Azure portal, but it's called Company administrator in Microsoft Graph API, Azure AD Graph API, and Azure AD PowerShell.
Microsoft account (also called, MSA)
Personal accounts that provide access to your consumer-oriented Microsoft products and cloud services, such as Outlook, OneDrive, Xbox LIVE, or Office 365. Your Microsoft account is created and stored in the Microsoft consumer identity account system that's run by Microsoft.
Business-to-Business (B2B)
Manage your guest users and external partners, while maintaining control over your own corporate data.
Business-to-Customer (B2C)
Customize and control how users sign up, sign in, and manage their profiles when using your apps.
Azure Service Principal
used for a case when an application(not a human) needs access to Azure


Azure tools

  • az - Azure CLI
  • Powershell AZModule to copy files - requires PS 5.1+
  • blob storage .msi
  • Powershell DSC Desired State Configuration system
  • VMagent custom script extension - runs on Azure VMs, allows to run one-off scripts

az - Azure CLI

Download and install msi

PS C:> wget
PS C:> wget

Login and basic commands

PS C:> az login
PS C:> az account show --output table
EnvironmentName    IsDefault    Name                         State    TenantId
-----------------  -----------  ---------------------------  -------  ------------------------------------
AzureCloud         True         Microsoft Azure Sponsorship  Enabled  aaaaaaaa-bbbb-4a1a-9b26-bac3cb7dcccc


Powershell AZModule

PS C:> Get-InstalledModule -Name Az -AllVersions | select Name,Version
PS C:> Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber#
PS C:> Connect-AzAccount #connect

VMagent custom script extension


$fileUri = @("",

$Settings = @{"fileUris" = $fileUri};

$storageaccname = "xxxxxxx"
$storagekey = "1234ABCD"
$ProtectedSettings = @{"storageAccountName" = $storageaccname; "storageAccountKey" = $storagekey; "commandToExecute" = "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File 1_Add_Tools.ps1"};

#run command
Set-AzureRmVMExtension -ResourceGroupName myRG `
    -Location myLocation ` 
    -VMName myVM ` 
    -Name "buildserver1" ` 
    -Publisher "Microsoft.Compute" ` 
    -ExtensionType "CustomScriptExtension" ` 
    -TypeHandlerVersion "1.9" ` 
    -Settings $Settings ` 
    -ProtectedSettings $ProtectedSettings


az vm extension set \
  --resource-group myResourceGroup \
  --vm-name myVM --name customScript \
  --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions \
  --settings ./script-config.json


Access and login methods

Azure Service Principal

You can give an application access to Azure Stack resources by creating a service principal that uses Azure Resource Manager. A service principal lets you delegate specific permissions using role-based access control. Steps

  1. Register an app with Azure AD
  2. Create identity for the app, this identity is called Service Principle (SP)
  3. Alternatively you can use Managed Service Identity (MSI)

Eg. If AKS needs to pull an image from ACR it needs permissions to do so. The Service Principal controls the access.


Azure for AWS Administrators
Blog resources