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Install az PowerShell module

Note az replaced AzureRM that is backwards compatible but both shouldn't be installed at the same time. Official installation guide might come here very handy. Otherwise follow quick steps:

<syntaxhighlightjs lang="PowerShell">

  1. Install

C:\> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion #check required version PowerShell 5.x or 6.x C:\> Install-Module -Name Az -AllowClobber #admin rights required

  1. Sign in

C:\> Import-Module Az # Import the module into the PowerShell session C:\> Connect-AzAccount # Connect to Azure with a browser sign in token WARNING: To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code DUNAAABBB to authenticate.

Account  : SubscriptionName : Microsoft Azure Sponsorship SubscriptionId  : aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee TenantId  : bbbbbbbb-cccc-dddd-eeee-ffffffffffff Environment  : AzureCloud

  1. Update module

C:\> Update-Module -Name Az </syntaxhighlightjs>

List of Vnets

$ az network vnet list -o table
# List of VNETs within resource group
$ az network vnet list --resource-group infra_rg -o tsv | cut -f9

List of all subnets

for ResourceGroup in $(az group list -o tsv | cut -f4); do
    for VNET in $(az network vnet list --resource-group $ResourceGroup -o tsv | cut -f9); do
        echo "### ResourceGroup: $ResourceGroup VNET: $VNET"
        az network vnet subnet list --resource-group $ResourceGroup --vnet-name $VNET -o tsv | cut -f1,9,13 | column -t

List of SQL servers

# List of Ms.SQL servers
az sql server list --resource-group infra-euw1 -o tsv | cut -f1,6-10,12-13

# List all database servers
for AzureResourceGroup in $(az group list -o tsv | cut -f4); do
        echo "### $VNET ResourceGroup: $AzureResourceGroup"
        az sql server list --resource-group $AzureResourceGroup -o tsv | cut -f1,6-10,12-13

#List all databases
for AzureResourceGroup in $(az group list -o tsv | cut -f4); do
    for DbServer in $(az sql server list --resource-group $AzureResourceGroup -o tsv | cut -f1,6-10,12-13); do
        echo "### Dbserver: $DbServer, ResourceGroup: $AzureResourceGroup"
        az sql db list --resource-group $AzureResourceGroup --server $DbServer

az resource list -o table --query "[?type=='Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers'].{name:name, group:resourceGroup}"
az resource list -o table | grep 'Microsoft.DBforMySQL/servers' 
az resource list -o table | grep -i 'sql' | sort -k4

List of Virtual Gateways

# List all vpn virtual gateways
for AzureResourceGroup in $(az group list -o tsv | cut -f4); do
        echo "### $VNET ResourceGroup: $AzureResourceGroup"
        az network vnet-gateway list -g $AzureResourceGroup -o table |  grep -ve '---'

List scale sets

### VMScaleSets
# List VMSS
az vmss list --resource-group client1 -o table
Name                     ResourceGroup    Location    Zones    Capacity    Overprovision    UpgradePolicy
-----------------------  ---------------  ----------  -------  ----------  ---------------  ---------------
client1_external_vmss    client1          westeurope  1 2 3    2           True             Manual
client1_internal_vmss    client1          westeurope  1 2 3    1           True             Manual
client1_worker_vmss      client1          westeurope  1 2 3    1           True             Manual

# List VMSS instances
az vmss list-instances --resource-group client1 --name client1_external_vmss -o table
az vmss nic list -g client1 --vmss-name client1_external_vmss --query [].{ip:ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress} -o tsv

# Get VMs ip addresses in VMSS sets
$ cat > <<'EOF'
for AzureResourceGroup in $(az group list -o tsv | cut -f4)
    for vmss in $(az vmss list --resource-group $AzureResourceGroup -o tsv | cut -f4)
        echo "### $VNET ResourceGroup: $AzureResourceGroup ScaleSet: $vmss"
        az vmss nic list -g $AzureResourceGroup --vmss-name $vmss --query [].{ip:ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress} -o tsv
