UPS configuration

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APC Model STxxxxx


Connect to console using 2.5mm jack console cable. PuTTY the standard settings are just working fine.

Login with username apc and password apc

User Name :
User Name : apc
Password  : ***

American Power Conversion               Network Management Card AOS      v5.1.4
(c) Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved  RPDU 2g                          v5.1.2
Name      : Unknown                                   Date : 01/07/2014
Contact   : Unknown                                   Time : 10:13:26
Location  : Unknown                                   User : Administrator
Up Time   : 0 Days 19 Hours 17 Minutes                Stat : P+ N4? N6+ A+

Type ? for command listing
Use tcpip command for IP address(-i), subnet(-s), and gateway(-g)

List all commands with ?


Network Management Card Commands:
For command help: command ?

?           about       alarmcount  appcli      boot        cd
console     date        delete      dir         dns         eventlog
exit        format      ftp         help        netstat     ntp
ping        portspeed   prompt      quit        radius      reboot
resetToDef  snmp        snmpv3      system      tcpip       tcpip6
user        web         xferINI     xferStatus

Device Commands:
devLowLoad  devNearOver devOverLoad devReading  devStartDly humLow
humMin      humReading  olAssignUsr olCancelCmd olDlyOff    olDlyOn
olDlyReboot olGroups    olName      olOff       olOffDelay  olOn
olOnDelay   olRbootTime olReboot    olStatus    olUnasgnUsr phLowLoad
phNearOver  phOverLoad  phReading   phRestrictn prodInfo    sensorName
tempHigh    tempMax     tempReading userAdd     userDelete  userList
userPasswd  whoami

Set IP address and default gateway

apc>tcpip -i -s -g
E002: Success
Reboot required for change to take effect.

Verify new settings

E000: Success

Manually Configured IPv4 Settings:
  IPv4:                 enabled
  Manual Settings:      enabled

  IPv4 Address:
  Subnet Mask:
  MAC Address:          00 C0 B7 98 AA BB
  Domain Name:
  Host Name:            examplehost

Reboot for the changes to take effect

E000: Success
Reboot Management Interface
Enter 'YES' to continue or <ENTER> to cancel : yes

APC PDU model STxxxxxxxxx

This is how to set up IP address on a new APC Network Management Card using console serial connection. The RJ45 console cable comes within the card. The interface is more user friendly a combination of numbered options.

Login with username apc and password apc

User Name : apc
Password  : ***

American Power Conversion               Network Management Card AOS      v3.7.3
(c) Copyright 2009 All Rights Reserved  Rack PDU APP                     v3.7.3
Name      : RackPDU                                   Date : 06/30/2001
Contact   : Unknown                                   Time : 15:56:02
Location  : Unknown                                   User : Administrator
Up Time   : 0 Days 0 Hours 7 Minutes                  Stat : P+ N+ A+

Switched Rack PDU: Communication Established

------- Control Console -------------------------------------------------------

     1- Device Manager
     2- Network
     3- System
     4- Logout

     <ESC>- Main Menu, <ENTER>- Refresh, <CTRL-L>- Event Log

Type 2 for Network

> 2

------- Network ---------------------------------------------------------------

     1- TCP/IP
     2- DNS
     3- Ping Utility
     4- FTP Server
     5- Telnet/SSH
     6- Web/SSL/TLS
     7- Email
     8- SNMP
     9- Syslog
    10- ISX Protocol

     <ESC>- Back, <ENTER>- Refresh, <CTRL-L>- Event Log

Type 1 for TCP/IP and options 1-3 to set IP address, subnet mask and a gateway.

> 1

------- TCP/IP ----------------------------------------------------------------

        Network started. Manual settings are in use.
        System IP       :         MAC Address   : 00 C0 B7 97 CC DD
        Subnet Mask     :
        Default Gateway :

        Host Name       : APC
        Domain Name     :

     1- System IP      :
     2- Subnet Mask    :
     3- Default Gateway:
     4- Boot Mode      : Manual
     5- Advanced...

     <ESC>- Back, <ENTER>- Refresh, <CTRL-L>- Event Log

Press ESC, then type 3 to get into System menu

> 3

------- System ----------------------------------------------------------------

     1- User Manager
     2- Identification
     3- Date/Time
     4- Tools
     5- RADIUS
     6- Modem
     7- About System

     <ESC>- Back, <ENTER>- Refresh, <CTRL-L>- Event Log

Type 4 to open Tools and 1 to restart interface for the network changes to take effect

> 4

------- Tools -----------------------------------------------------------------

     1- Reboot Management Interface
     2- Reset to Defaults
     3- Reset to Defaults Except TCP/IP
     4- Reset Only TCP/IP to Defaults
     5- Delete SSH Host Keys and SSL Certificates
     6- File Transfer

     <ESC>- Back, <ENTER>- Refresh, <CTRL-L>- Event Log
> 1

        Reboot Management Interface

        Enter 'YES' to continue or <ENTER> to cancel : yes


Now you can configure your laptop with manual IP address and access UPS using web interface pointing to the configured IP address.