Cisco CLI shortcuts

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Cursor Movement
Ctrl+A Move cursor to the beginning for the line
Ctrl+E Move cursor to the end of the line, E for End
Ctrl+F Move cursor forward one character, F for Forward
Esc+F Moves forward one word, escape version
Ctrl+B Move cursor backward, B for Backward
Esc+B Moves backwards one word, escape version
Ctrl+P Previous command, P for Previous – also up arrow
Ctrl+N Next command, N for Next – also down arrow
Ctrl+W Delete the word to the left from the cursor, W for Word
Ctrl+U Delete characters from the cursor to beginning of the line
Ctrl+T Swap or transpose the current character with the one before it, T for Transpose
Ctrl+K Delete characters from the cursor to end of the line
Ctrl+X Delete characters from the cursor to beginning of the line
Ctrl+D Delete the character to the right of the cursor.
Esc+D Delete from Cursor to end of word
Functional Shortcuts
Ctrl+L Reprint the line, L for Line
Ctrl+R Refresh,R for Repeat – starts a new line, with the same command shown. Useful when the system sends a message
to the screen while a command is being entered and your are not using line synchronization.
Tab Command auto-complete
Ctrl+C Exit. Exit from config mode
Ctrl+Z Apply the command line and exit from config mode ie. return to privileged EXEC mode.
Ctrl+Shift+6, then X CTRL-SHIFT-6 is one action, the X is the second action
Less Common Shortcuts
Esc, C Makes the letter at the cursor uppercase, C for Capital
Esc, L Changes the word at the cursor to lowercase, L for Lower
Esc, U Makes letters from the cursor to the end of the word uppercase, U for Uppercase.
Using the Delete Buffer
The buffer stores the last ten items that have been deleted using Ctrl-K, Ctrl-U, or Ctrl-X
Ctrl-Y Paste the most recent entry in the delete buffer, Y for “Yank” as in Yank from buffer
Esc-Y Paste the Previous entry in the history buffer, Y for “Yank” as in Yank from buffer