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NoMachine 3

The free NoMachine 4 is a new product aimed at a different use case. While NoMachine NX Free Edition 3 offered a free terminal server with virtual desktops created on demand, the free NoMachine 4 is designed to work the same across Windows, Mac and Linux and give users access to the physical desktop of the remote computer. If you need to create virtual desktops on demand, want to limit the logins to SSH, or are using NIS, Kerberos or other enterprise server functionalities, you need one of the NoMachine Enterprise server products

Install the DEB packages
 sudo dpkg -i nx*.deb

Note: downloading version 4.0x downloads one file, for example nomachine_4.0.360_2_amd64.deb. In this case, install that file.

 sudo dpkg -i nomachine*.deb

When that command completes NoMachine will be installed and going to the 'Dash Home' (Ubuntu) button in Unity and doing a search for 'nx' should bring up the NoMachine application icons. Check the server is up

The NX service can be controlled by the command /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --status|--start|--stop|--restart. The installation process starts the server so you should be able to run the following command immediately.

sudo -H /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --status
NX> 900 Connecting to server ...
NX> 110 NX Server is running.
NX> 999 Bye.

Or, you could see the following:

$ sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --status
NX> 161 Enabled service: nxserver.
NX> 161 Enabled service: nxd.

If you see the following:

% sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --status   
NX> 900 Bad owner or permissions on /home/likewise-open/USERNAME/.ssh/config
NX> 110 NX Server is stopped.
NX> 999 Bye.

Then you will need to rename your ssh config file temporarily and reinstall the nxserver package (see Article: #AR02E00446). Another workaround is to do:

sudo logbash
# export HOME=/root
# apt-get remove --purge nxclient nxnode nxserver
# dpkg -i nx*.deb

If you see the following:

% sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --status   
NX> 614 ERROR: Your subscription doesn’t match the NoMachine server product installed.
NX> 614 ERROR: Please visit the NoMachine web site at: [1]
NX> 614 ERROR: to acquire a valid subscription.
NX> 614 ERROR: The NX server can’t perform the requested operation.
NX> 999 Bye.

(This may occur if you install version 4.0x on a machine that has version 3). Then you will need to delete the /usr/NX directory manually and reinstall the nxserver package (see The free Linux edition asks for subscription and doesn't start).

You may also need to remove the NX user that was setup during the 4.0 installation. You can see if this user exists by doing:

% id nx

Remove the nx user by:

% sudo /usr/sbin/deluser nx

Another workaround that may work is to do:

% sudo apt-get remove --purge nxclient nxnode nxserver
% sudo dpkg -i nx*.deb


Reached the maximum number of allowed users on this server

With NX Free Edition, only 2 concurrent connections at any one time will be allowed, and up to 2 user names is permitted. Therefore we may need to remove a saved user from DB.

List users in NX database

sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver –-userlist
NX> 149 Listing NX users:


NX> 999 Bye.

Remove user frank

sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --userdel frank
NX> 900 Disabling user: frank in the NX user DB.
NX> 900 NX user DB is disabled.
NX> 900 NX password DB is disabled.
NX> 900 To remove user: frank from the system, please
NX> 900 run the command with option: --system.
NX> 999 Bye.

Add user anna to NX DB

sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --useradd anna
NX> 801 User: anna uses SSHD authentication.
NX> 900 Adding public key for user: anna to the authorized keys file.
NX> 716 Public key added to: /home/local/ANT/anna/.ssh/authorized_keys2.
NX> 900 Verifying public key authentication for NX user: anna.
NX> 900 Public key authentication succeeded.
NX> 301 User: anna enabled in the NX user DB.
NX> 999 Bye.


 sudo /usr/NX/bin/nxserver --userlist
NX> 149 Listing NX users: 


NX> 999 Bye.

Login as normal using NX Client.

NoMachine 4


In the example below is 64 bit Ubuntu package.

sudo dpkg -i nomachine_4.2.22_1_amd64.deb
